Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Dr.Shivarama Karanth Layout - Judgement - 03-08-2018 - Supreme Court of India

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTIO CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 7661¬63 OF 2018 [Arising out of S.L.P. (C) Nos.10216¬10218/2018] BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY & ANR. … APPELLANTS VERSUS THE STATE OF KARNATAKA & ANR. … RESPONDENTS WITH C.A. No.7664/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10219/2018, C.A. Nos… 7750¬58/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10186¬10194/2018, C.A. Nos.7759¬61/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10182¬10184/2018, C.A. NO.7762/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10168/2018, C.A. Nos.7668¬ 69/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10198¬10199/2018, C.A. Nos.7791¬ 92/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10339¬10340/2018, C.A. NO.7801/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10329/2018, C.A. NO.7743/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10097/2018, C.A. Nos.7666¬ 67/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10196¬10197/2018, C.A. NO.7742/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10098/2018, C.A. NO.7803/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10327/2018, C.A. Signature Not Verified Digitally signed by NO.7763/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10181/2018, C.A. Nos.7795¬ NEELAM GULATI Date: 2018.08.04 12:38:55 IST Reason:98/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10332¬10335/2018, C.A. NO.7665/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10195/2018, C.A. Nos.7799¬ 7800/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10330¬10331/2018, C.A. NO.7749/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10169/2018, C.A. Nos.7670¬ 7736/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10100¬10166/2018, C.A. Nos.7744-45/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10173¬10174/2018, C.A. NO.7764/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10179/2018,C.A. NO.7802/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10328/2018, C.A. NO.7794/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10338/2018, C.A. NO.7765/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10178/2018, C.A. NO.7813/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10316/2018, C.A. Nos.7810¬ 12/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10318¬10320/2018, C.A. Nos.7805¬ 06/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10324¬10325/2018, C.A. NO.7804/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10326/2018, C.A. NO.7814/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10317/2018, C.A. Nos.7807¬ 09/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10321¬10323/2018, C.A. NO.7790/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10275/2018, C.A. NO.7767/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10283/2018, C.A. Nos.7787¬ 89/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10313¬10315/2018, C.A. Nos.7784¬ 86/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10288¬10290/2018, C.A. NO.7768/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10311/2018, C.A. Nos.7815¬ 17/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10280¬10282/2018, C.A. NO.7741/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10202/2018, C.A. NO.7771/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10287/2018, C.A. NO.7793/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10310/2018, C.A. NO.7738/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10204/2018, C.A. NO.7773/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10274/2018, C.A. NO.7770/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10309/2018, C.A. NO.7737/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10208/2018, C.A. NO.7769/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10312/2018, C.A. NO.7740/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10206/2018, C.A. NO.7739/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10205/2018, C.A. NO.7772/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10262/2018, C.A. Nos.7746¬ 48/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10209¬10211/2018, C.A. Nos.7774¬ 83/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 10263¬10272/2018, C.A. NO.7766/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 10273/2018, C.A. NO.7976¬ 89/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No.21100¬13/2018 @ Diary No.15906/2018, C.A. NO.7968¬75/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No.21092¬ 99/2018 @ DiaryNo.15877/2018, C.A. NO.7954¬67/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No.21078¬99/2018 @ Diary No.15938/2018, C.A. NO.7934¬53/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No.21058¬77/2018 @ Diary No.15857/2018, C.A. NO..7929¬33/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No.21053-57/2018 @Diary No.15872/2018, C.A. NO.7918¬ 28/2018@ S.L.P.(C) Nos. 21042¬52/2018@Diary No.15866/2018, C.A. NO.7908¬17/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No.21032¬ 41/2018 @Diary No.15900/2018, C.A. NO.7889¬7907/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No.21012¬30/2018 @ Diary No.15952/2018, C.A. NO.7818¬88/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No.20940¬21010/2018 @Diary No.15928/2018, C.A. NO.7993/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 16905/2018, C.A. Nos.8015¬16/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos. 16930¬ 31/2018, C.A. NO.8004/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 16914/2018, C.A. NO.7994¬8000/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos.16906¬12/2018, C.A. NO.8005/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 16915/2018, C.A. NO.8003/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) No. 16913/2018, C.A. Nos.8001¬ 02/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos.16917¬18/2018, C.A. NO.8006/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos.16916/2018 and C.A. Nos.8007¬14/2018 @ S.L.P. (C) Nos.16919¬26/2018. J U D G M E N T ARUN MISHRA, J. 1. Delay condoned. 2. Leave granted. 3. The Bangalore Development Authority (for short, “the BDA”) has questioned the orders passed by the Division Bench of the High Court dismissing writ appeals vide judgment and order dated 28.04.2017, confirming the order passed by the Single Bench. The appeals have also been filed against the orders of the Single Bench directly before this Court as Division Bench has already dismissed the writ appeals arising out of the same scheme/orders. 4. The BDA is Town Planning Authority for the city of Bangalore, State of Karnataka and a notified developer. It is entrusted with the task of preparation of city development schemes and its execution. Section 15 of the Bangalore Development Authority Act, 1976 (for short referred to as “the BDA Act”) confers power to draw up the development schemes. Section 16 of the BDA Act provides for the particulars to be included in the development scheme. The same is required to be published in terms of provisions contained in Section 17 of the BDA Act in the official gazette and in the manner prescribed therein. On 30.12.2008 the BDA published a scheme and notification under Section 17 of the BDA Act for the formation of the layout at as "Dr. K. Shivaram Karanth Layout” including link roads. 5. The scheme was approved by Government of Karnataka vide its orders dated 3.12.2008. 45% of the land covered under the scheme was to be used for the civic amenities, playgrounds, roads etc., and the residential sites would be formed by utilizing the remaining 55% of the land. Out of this 55% developed residential area i.e. 40% of 55% will be offered as compensation to the farmers as specified in the scheme and the remaining 60% of 55% will be the share of BDA. The farmers were also given the option to accept either the developed eligible residential land or opt for compensation as per the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (for short “the LA Act”). Notice to that effect was thereby given to all concerned in accordance with the provisions of sub¬Sections 1 and 3 of Section 17 of the BDA Act and in accordance with Section 36 of the BDA Act. The Special Land Acquisition Officer, Bangalore Development Authority, Bangalore, his staff, and workmen were authorized to exercise the powers conferred under Section 4(2) of the LA Act and section 52 of the BDA Act. Objections were also invited from the interested persons to be filed within 30 days of the publication of the notification. It was also mentioned that any sale, mortgage, assignment, exchange or otherwise of any layout or improvements made therein without sanction of the Deputy Commissioner (Land Acquisition), Bangalore Development Authority, Bangalore after the date of publication of the notification shall under Section 24 of the LA Act be disregarded by the Officer assessing compensation for such parts of the said lands as will be finally acquired. 6. The BDA has to consider the objections to the preliminary notification and submit them to the Government as required under the BDA Act. Under section 18(3) of the BDA Act it is for the Government to sanction the scheme and under Section 19 of the said Act, it is for the Government to make a final declaration and publication. 7. The BDA received a large number of objections. State Government also issued a direction to withdraw the acquisition of the land to the extent of 257 acres and 20 guntas from various villages. Representations for deletion were also favourably considered for 446 acres and 7 guntas of the land. In the year 2012, with regard to the withdrawal of acquisition of 446 acres and 7 guntas, and action of State Government questions were raised in the Assembly and the State Government ultimately ordered an inquiry to be held in the year 14.11.2012 and yet another inquiry was ordered by the State Government into the matter pertaining to the same acquisition on 19.01.2013. 8. The writ petitions were then filed on the ground that Government and the BDA had not taken any steps to issue a final notification or to develop the land for the last 5 years. The BDA refused to give permission to develop the land on the ground of preliminary notification under Section 17 of the BDA Act. Thus, right to enjoy the property has been taken away without finalizing the acquisition. It was submitted that the preliminary notification shall be deemed to have lapsed. Now, Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 has come into force. Therefore, it was urged that the impugned notification issued under Section 17(1) and 17(3) of the BDA Act was liable to be quashed, and a prayer was made to direct the respondents to give permission to develop the land. 9. It was contended on behalf of the BDA that while the Land Acquisition Officer was considering the representations under Sections 18(3) of the BDA Act, the State Government has directed the BDA to withdraw to the extent of 270 guntas of land from various villages. In view of the large number of representations filed under Section 18(1) of the BDA Act, time has been consumed. Ultimately deletion of 446 acres 7 guntas of land was favourably considered. In the meanwhile, the Board of BDA ordered an in¬house inquiry to consider the findings of the Special Land Acquisition Officer regarding exclusion of land. The State Government also initiated suo moto inquiry vide Government Order dated 24.11.2012 and 19.1.2013 and constituted a Committee consisting of Additional Chief Secretary and Development Commissioner, based on the newspaper reports and questions raised at the Assembly pertaining to illegal and discriminatory proposals for withdrawal/deletion of the land from the acquisition. It was learnt that the Committee has completed the inquiry and issue was before the State Government. In view of the pendency of the inquiry report before the State Government and in view of the practical difficulty, final notification under Section 19 of the BDA Act could not be issued on time. 10. It was also contended by the BDA that notice dated 3.5.2014 was issued to the landowners as there was the need for fresh inquiry. Therefore, the further process would be taken pursuant to the notification. Thus, it was contended by the BDA that no interference was called for in the writ petitions. 11. The Single Bench allowed the writ application and quashed the notification with respect to the lands of the appellants. The Single Judge in Writ Petition No.9640 of 2014 decided on 26th November 2014 along with other writ applications has observed that the Division Bench of the High Court in the case of H.N. Shivanna and Ors. vs the State of Karnataka, Department of Industries and Commerce, Bangalore, and Anr. (2013) 4 KCCR 2793 (DB) considering similar aspect held that, even though under Karnataka Industrial Area Development Act, no time limit has been prescribed, the periodof two years would be appropriate for the purpose of completing acquisition. The Single Judge observed that: “8. On the legal position as to whether the provisions as contained in the Land Acquisition Act insofar as the time period as fixed therein for passing the final notification and the award thereof could be imported into the BDA Act which has been raised by the respondents, a detailed consideration would not be necessary. This is due to the fact that the Hon'ble Division Bench of this Court while considering the matter in the case of Sri H.N. Shivanna and Others vs. State of Karnataka, Department of Industries and Commerce, Bangalore and Another reported in 2013 (4) KCCR 2793 (DB) has elaborately considered this aspect of the matter while taking note of the acquisition process which was being done under the KIAD Act wherein also no time limit has been prescribed. The Hon'ble Division Bench having accepted the position that there is no time limit fixed under the special enactment has also taken into consideration the observations made by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the earlier cases under different circumstances and has declared the position that even though a time frame is not fixed in the special enactment under which the acquisition is being made, the reasonableness of the delay should be considered in the facts of a case and in that circumstance, a decision is to be taken, but unreasonable delay would not be permitted. While stating so, the Hon'ble Division bench has also kept in view the fact that the Land Acquisition Act prescribes a specific time frame even for the enactments, roughly the period of two years would be appropriate. Hence, on the legal aspect, the said decision would settle the issue. In the light of the judgment as rendered by the Hon'ble Division Bench, the explanation as put forth in the instant case needs to be taken into consideration.” 12. Being aggrieved by the aforesaid decision, the writ appeal was filed before the Division Bench, which has been dismissed. The Division Bench of the High Court in the writ appeal, observed thus: “3. Being aggrieved by the order Dt.26.11.2014 passed by the Hon’ble Learned Single Judge in Writ Petition No.9640/ 2014 the appellants beg to prefer this appeal. 4. It is respectfully submitted that the respondent no.2 who was the appellant, filed the writ petition challenging the Preliminary notification issued by the Bangalore Development Authority for the formation of the “Dr. K. Shiarama Karanth Layout”. 5. The Petitioner was amongst the notified Khatedars of Sy. No.15 of and Sy.No.31 of Veerasagara Village, Yelahanka Hobli, Bangalore North Taluk, Bangalore. It was contended that after issuance of the Preliminary notification by the Bangalore Development Authority for the formation of the layout no steps have been taken by the Bangalore Development Authority for the completion of the acquisition proceedings. It was contended that their right to enjoy the property has been curtailed by the issuance of the Notification by the Bangalore Development Authority. It was contended that the action of Bangalore Development Authority in not proceeding further amounts to an abandonment of the acquisition proceedings and hence the preliminary Notification was sought to be quashed in so far as the property of the petitioner was concerned." 13. Aggrieved by the aforesaid decisions, the appeals have been preferred by the BDA in this Court. The decisions of the Division Bench in H.N. Shivanna (supra) has been followed by the Single Judge. 14. The BDA in the appeals has urged that decision of the Constitution Bench of this Court interpreting the provisions of Bangalore Development Authority Act, 1976 has been totally ignored and overlooked. This Court has decided the same issue in Offshore Holdings Private Limited v. Bangalore Development Authority and Others (2011) 3 SCC 139, after consideration of the previous judgments of this Court in Munithimmaiah v. State of Karnataka (2002) 4 SCC 326 and Bondu Ramaswamy v. Bangalore Development Authority & Ors. (2010) 7 SCC 129. It was held that the BDA Act is a self¬contained code and the time frame of two years provided under Section 11A of the Land Acquisition Act is not applicable to the BDA Act. The High Court has failed to consider the judgment. This Court has held that the period of five years as prescribed under Section 27 of the BDA Act start from the date of publication of the declaration under sub¬Section (1) of Section 19 of the BDA Act in the Official Gazette. The High Court has grossly erred in law in holding otherwise. The learned counsel appearing on behalf of the BDA has relied upon the Constitution Bench decision of this Court in the case of Offshore Holdings (supra). The High Court has totally ignored the said decision and had flouted the same. In the facts and circumstances of the case, there was no delay as a large number of objections were filed. The Land Acquisition Officer considered deletion of certain land in an illegal manner. The Government had also issued a direction in regard to approx. 257 acres of the land. Ultimately, there was a question raised about the proposed exclusion of the land in an illegal manner, in the Assembly and the State Government has ordered an inquiry in the year 2012. Yet another inquiry was ordered in January, 2013. The in¬house inquiry was also conducted by the BDA and ultimately notice was issued in May 2014 that the entire matter has to be considered afresh. Thereafter, the writ petitions were filed to quash the initial notification and the notification was illegally quashed by the High Court. Writ appeals were also dismissed. They have alsobeen illegally dismissed by a laconic order without considering the decision of this Court and also the facts and circumstances. The land was required for the planned development of Bangalore city. Thus, the impugned orders are liable to be quashed. 15. It was contended on behalf of the landowners that there was undue delay in completion of the land acquisition procedure, as for more than five years the final notification was not issued. The writ petitions were filed. There was an undue delay, even if the period of two years of time frame provided under the LA Act, does not apply for issuance of final notification under Section 19, there cannot be undue delay in taking the steps. The acquisition could not have been kept in lurch for such an unreasonable period as done in the instant case. Thus, the High Court was fully justified in quashing the final notification. When no time has been fixed under the BDA Act to complete the issuance of final notification under Section 19, it would not mean that with an unreasonable delay such steps can be taken, as there was restraint put upon the owners by issuance of initial notification under Section 17. Right to enjoyment of the property could not have been denied for an unreasonable period. As there was a proposal to exclude the land, and after High Court has quashed the preliminary notification, certain developments have been made and the property has exchanged hands. Thus, it would not be appropriate to interfere in the matter owing to the delay on the part of the BDA in approaching before the High Court as well as this Court. 16. First, we take up the question as to whether the High Court was legally justified on merits in quashing the preliminary notification issued under Section 17. The Constitution Bench of this Court in Offshore Holdings (supra) has decided the question affirmatively. The BDA has issued preliminary notification for acquisition of the lands. Non¬ finalization of the acquisition proceedings resulted in the filing of the writ petitions before the High Court of Karnataka by the owners in the year 1987. Certain lands were de¬notified and the permission which was granted earlier was withdrawn. The de¬ notification of the land was also withdrawn. It was urged that the timeframe which was prescribed under section 6 and 11A of the LA Act would form an integral part of the BDA Act. This Court considered the scheme under the BDA Act and has observed thus: “33. The provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, which provide for timeframe for compliance and the consequences of default thereof, are not applicable to acquisition under the BDA Act. They are Sections 6 and 11A of the Land Acquisition Act. As per Section 11A, if the award is not made within a period of two years from the date of declaration under Section 6, the acquisition proceedings will lapse. Similarly, where declaration under Section 6 of this Act is not issued within three years from the date of publication of notification under Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act [such notification being issued after the commencement of the Land Acquisition (Amendment and Validation) Ordinance, 1967 but before the commencement of Central Act 68 of 1984] or within one year where Section 4 notification was published subsequent to the passing of Central Act 68 of 1984, no such declaration under Section 6 of the Land Acquisition Act can be issued in any of these cases. xxx xxx xxx 35. Be that as it may, it is clear that the BDA Act is a self-contained code which provides for all the situations that may arise in planned development of an area including acquisition of land for that purpose. The scheme of the Act does not admit any necessity for reading the provisions of Sections 6 and 11A of the Land Acquisition Act, as part and parcel of the BDA Act for attainment of its object. The primary object of the State Act is to carry out planned development and acquisition is a mere incident of such planned development. The provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, where the land is to be acquired for a specific public purpose and acquisition is the sum and substance of that Act, all matters in relation to the acquisition of land will be regulated by the provisions of that Act. The State Act has provided its own scheme and provisions for acquisition of land. xxx xxx xxx 50. Applying the above principle to the facts of the case in hand, it will be clear that the provisions relating to acquisition like passing of an award, payment of compensation and the legal remedies available under the Central Act would have to be applied to the acquisitions under the State Act but the bar contained in Sections 6 and 11A of the Central Act cannot be made an integral part of the State Act as the State Act itself has provided specific time-frames under its various provisions as well as consequences of default thereto. The scheme, thus, does not admit such incorporation. xxx xxx xxx 55. The principle stated in Munithimmaiah's case (supra) that the BDA Act is a self¬contained code, was referred with approval by a three Judge Bench of this Court in the case of Bondu Ramaswamy (supra). The Court, inter alia, specifically discussed and answered the questions whether the provisions of Section 6 of the Land Acquisition Act will apply to the acquisition under the BDA Act and if the final declaration under Section 19(1) is not issued within one year of the publication of the notification under Section 17(1) of the BDA Act, whether such final declaration will be invalid and held as under: “79. This question arises from the contention raised by one of the appellants that the provisions of Section 6 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 ("the LA Act", for short) will apply to the acquisitions under the BDA Act and consequently if the final declarationunder Section 19(1) is not issued within one year from the date of publication of the notification under Sections 17(1) and (3) of the BDA Act, such final declaration will be invalid. The appellants' submissions are as under: the notification under Sections 17(1) and (3) of the Act was issued and gazetted on 3¬2-2003 and the declaration under Section 19(1) was issued and published on 23¬2-2004. Section 36 of the Act provides that the acquisition of land under the BDA Act within or outside the Bangalore Metropolitan Area, shall be regulated by the provisions of the LA Act, so far as they are applicable. Section 6 of the LA Act requires that no declaration shall be made, in respect of any land covered by a notification under Section 4 of the LA Act, after the expiry of one year from the date of the publication of such notification under Section 4 of the LA Act. As the provisions of the LA Act have been made applicable to acquisitions under the BDA Act, it is necessary that the declaration under Section 19(1) of the BDA Act (which is equivalent to the final declaration under Section 6 of the LA Act) should also be made before the expiry of one year from the date of publication of notification under Sections 17(1) and (3) of the BDA Act [which is equivalent to Section 4(1) of the LA Act]. 80. The BDA Act contains provisions relating to acquisition of properties, up to the stage of publication of final declaration. The BDA Act does not contain the subsequent provisions relating to completion of the acquisition, that is, issue of notices, enquiry and award, vesting of land, payment of compensation, principles relating to determination of compensation, etc. Section 36 of the BDA Act does not make the LA Act applicable in its entirety, but states that the acquisition under the BDA Act, shall be regulated by the provisions, so far as they are applicable, of the LA Act. therefore it follows that where there are already provisions in the BDA Act regulating certain aspects or stages of acquisition or the proceedings relating thereto, the corresponding provisions of the LA Act will not apply to the acquisitions under the BDA Act. Only those provisions of the LA Act, relating to the stages of acquisition, for which there is no provision in the BDA Act, are applied to the acquisitions under the BDA Act. 81. The BDA Act contains specific provisions relating to preliminary notification and final declaration. In fact the procedure up to final declaration under the BDA Act is different from the procedure under the LA Act relating to acquisition proceedings up to the stage of final notification. therefore, having regard to the scheme for acquisition under Sections 15 to 19 of the BDA Act and the limited application of the LA Act in terms of Section 36 of the BDA Act, the provisions of Sections 4 to 6 of the LA Act will not apply to the acquisitions under the BDA Act. If Section 6 of the LA Act is not made applicable, the question of amendment to Section 6 of the LA Act providing a time¬limit for issue of final declaration, will also not apply.” We may notice that, in the above case, the Court declined to examine whether the provisions of Section 11A of the Central Act would apply to the acquisition under the BDA Act but categorically stated that Sections 4 and 6 of the Central Act were inapplicable to the acquisition under the BDA Act. 123. Accepting the argument of the appellant would certainly frustrate the very object of the State law, particularly when both the enactments can peacefully operate together. To us, there appears to be no direct conflict between the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act and the BDA Act. The BDA Act does not admit reading of provisions of Section 11A of the Land Acquisition Act into its scheme as it is bound to debilitate the very object of the State law. The Parliament has not enacted any law with regard to development the competence of which, in fact, exclusively falls in the domain of the State Legislature with reference to Entries 5 and 18 of List II of Schedule VII. 124. Both these laws cover different fields of legislation and do not relate to the same List, leave apart the question of relating to the same Entry. Acquisition being merely an incident of planned development, the Court will have to ignore it even if there was some encroachment or overlapping. The BDA Act does not provide any provision in regard to compensation and manner of acquisition for which it refers to the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act. There are no provisions in the BDA Act which lay down detailed mechanism for the acquisition of property, i.e. they are not covering the same field and, thus, there is no apparent irreconcilable conflict. The BDA Act provides a specific period during which the development under a scheme has to be implemented and if it is not so done, the consequences thereof would follow in terms of Section 27 of the BDA Act. None of the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act deals with implementation of schemes. We have already answered that the acquisition under the Land Acquisition Act cannot, in law, lapse if vesting has taken place. therefore, the question of applying the provisions of Section 11A of the Land Acquisition Act to the BDA Act does not arise. Section 27 of the BDA Act takes care of even the consequences of default, including the fate of acquisition, where vesting has not taken place under Section 27(3). Thus, there are no provisions under the two Acts which operate in the same field and have a direct irreconcilable conflict. 125. Having said so, now we proceed to record our answer to the question referred to the larger Bench as follows: For the reasons stated in this judgment, we hold that the BDA Act is a self¬contained code. Further, we hold that provisions introduced in the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 by Central Act 68 of 1984, limited to the extent of acquisition of land, payment of compensation and recourse to legal remedies provided under the said Act, can be read into an acquisition controlled by the provisions of the BDA Act but with a specific exception that the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act in so far as they provide different time frames and consequences of default thereof, including lapsing of acquisition proceedings ,cannot be read into the BDA Act. Section 11A of the Land Acquisition Act being one of such provisions cannot be applied to the acquisitions under the provisions of the BDA Act.” (emphasis supplied) 17. This Court has emphasized that the primary object of the BDA Act is to carry out planned development. The State Act has provided its own scheme. The time constraints of the land acquisition are not applicable to the BDA Act. Making applicable the time frame of Section 11A of LA Act would debilitate very object of the BDA Act. It is apparent that the decision of the Single Judge as well as the Division Bench is directly juxtaposed to the decision of Five Judge Bench of this Court in Offshore Holdings (supra) in which precisely the question involved in the instant cases had been dealt with. By indirect method by making applicable the time period of two years of 11A of LA Act mandate of BDA Act has been violated. However, it is shocking that various decisions have been taken into consideration particularly by the Single Judge, however, whereas the decision that has set the controversy at rest, has not even been noticed even by the Single Judge or by the Division Bench. If this is the fate of the law of the land laid down by this Court that too the decision by the Constitution Bench, so much can be said but to exercise restraint is the best use of the power. Least said is better, the way in which the justice has been dealt with and the planned development of Bangalore city has been left at the mercy of unscrupulous persons of Government and the BDA. 18. It is apparent from the fact that the Single Judge has relied upon the decision in H.N. Shivanna (supra) in which it was observed by the Division Bench that scheme to be completed in 2 years otherwise it would lapse. It was precisely the question of time period which was dwelt upon and what was ultimately decided by this Court in Offshore Holdings (supra) has been blatantly violated by the Single Judge and that too in flagrant violation of the provisions and intendment of the Act. 19. It is also apparent from the facts and circumstances of the case that there were a large number of irregularities in the course of an inquiry under Section 18(1) of the BDA Act. Government had nothing to do with respect to the release of the land at this stage, as the stage of final notification had not reached but still the landowners in connivance with the influential persons, political or otherwise, managed the directions in respect of 251 acres of the land and Special Land Acquisition Collector also considered exclusion of 498 acres of the land against which the question was raised in the Assembly and eyebrows were raised in public domain. Two inquiries were ordered on 24.11.2012 and 19.1.2013 by the State Government and based upon that inquiry, it was ordered and a public notice was issued on 3rd May, 2014 that the BDA will consider the entire matter afresh. In the aforesaid backdrop of the facts, the writ petitions came to be filed, it would not be termed to be the bona fide litigation, but was initiated having failed in attempt to get the land illegally excluded at the hands of Special Land Acquisition Collector and the State Government and after the inquiries held in the matter and the notice was issued to start the proceedings afresh. At this stage, the writ petitions were filed. In the aforesaid circumstances, it was not at all open to the High Court to quash the preliminary notification issued under Section 17, as the land owners, State Government and BDA were responsible to create a mess in the way of planned development of the Bangalore city. 20. The scheme which was framed was so much benevolent scheme that 40% of the 55% of the land reserved for the residential purpose was to be given to the landowners at their choice and they were also given the choice to obtain the compensation, if they so desire, under the provisions of the LA Act. Thus, it was such a scheme that there was no scope for any exclusion of the land in the ultimate final notification. 21. It is apparent from the circumstances that the matter cannot be left at the mercy of unscrupulous authority of the BDA, the State Government or in the political hands. Considering the proper development and planned development of Bangalore city, let the Government issue a final notification with respect to the land which has been notified in the initial notification and there is no question of leaving out of the land in the instant case as option has been given to land owners to claim the land or to claim the compensation under the relevant LA Act which may be applicable in the case. 22. It was contended on behalf of the landowners that certain developments have taken place after the orders were passed regarding exclusion of the land and when Section 27 provides a limitation of five years after final notification, in case development was not undertaken within five years, even the final scheme would lapse. Thus, the principle enunciated in Section 27 should be followed by this Court with respect to the lapse of preliminary notification as well. We find that there is a vast difference in the provisions and action to be taken pursuant to the preliminary notification and the final notification under Section 19. In the instant case, the facts indicated that it was in the interest of the public, landowners, BDA and State Government. The scheme had prior approval of State Government however at the cost of public interest yet another scheme was sought to be frustrated by powerful unforeseen hands and the issuance of final notification had been delayed. Three inquiries were ordered, two by the State Government and one by the BDA as the release of the land was being proposed in an illegal manner. Hue and cry has been raised about their illegalities in the Assembly as well as in the public. Thus, for the delay, owners cannot escape the liability, they cannot take the advantage of their own wrong having acted in collusion with the authorities. Thus, we are of the considered opinion that in the facts of the case the time consumed would not adversely affect the ultimate development of Bangalore city. The authorities are supposed to carry out the statutory mandate and cannot be permitted to act against the public interest and planned development of Bangalore city which was envisaged as a statutory mandate under the BDA Act. The State Government, as well as Authorities under the BDA Act, are supposed to cater to the need of the planned development which is a mandate enjoined upon them and also binding on them. They have to necessarily carry it forward and no dereliction of duty can be an escape route so as to avoid fulfilment of the obligation enjoined upon them. The courts are not powerless to frown upon such an action and proper development cannot be deterred by continuing inaction. As the proper development of such metropolitan is of immense importance, the public purpose for which the primary notification was issued was in order to provide civic amenities like laying down roads etc. which cannot be left at the whim or mercy of the concerned authorities. They were bound to act in furtherance thereof. There was a clear embargo placed while issuing the notification not to create any charge, mortgage, assign, issue or revise any improvement and after inquiry, it was clear that the notice had been issued in May, 2014, thus, no development could have been made legally. Notification dated 3rd May, 2014 was issued that re¬inquiry was necessary in the matter. The development made, if any, would be at the peril of the owners and it has to give way to larger welfare schemes and the individual interest and cannot come in the way of the larger public interest. The acquisition was for the proper and planned development that was an absolute necessity for the city of Bangalore. 23. In the circumstances, we have no hesitation in condoning the delay. Though, it is apparent that the authorities had come with certain delay, in the certain matters and the writ appeals were also filed belatedly with the delay in the High Court, however, considering the provisions of the scheme and the method and manner wrong has been committed, it has compelled us not only to condone the delay but also to act in the matter so as to preserve the sanctity of the legal process and decision of this Court in Offshore Holdings (supra). 24. We, therefore, direct the State Government as well as the BDA to proceed further to issue final notification without any further delay in the light of the observations made in the order. The impugned orders passed by the Single Judge and the Division Bench are hereby quashed and set aside. The scheme and notification under Section 17 of the BDA Act are hereby upheld with the aforesaid directions. 25. As noticed above, the Land Acquisition Officer proposed exclusion of 251 acres of land from acquisition on being asked by the Government after the preliminary notification was issued. The Land Acquisition Officer, has considered another 498 acres of land to be excluded from being acquired. In connection to this, several questions were raised in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly, as a result of which two inquiries were ordered by the State Government i.e on 24.11.2012 and 19.01.2013. However, result of the inquiry is not forthcoming. Further, it appears that the exclusion of the lands from acquisition was proposed in connivance with influential persons; political or otherwise. We are of the view that the BDA and the State Government have to proceed with the acquisition of these lands. We are also of the view that it is just and proper to hold an inquiry for fixing the responsibility on the officials of the BDA and the State Government for trying to exclude these lands from acquisition. 26. Therefore, we appoint Hon'ble Mr. Justice K.N. Keshavanarayana, former Judge of the Karnataka High Court as the Inquiry Officer for fixing the responsibility on the officials of the BDA and the State Government who were responsible for the aforesaid. The Commissioner, BDA is hereby directed to consult Inquiry Officer and pay his remuneration. Further, we direct BDA to provide appropriate secretarial assistance and logistical support to the Inquiry Officer for holding the inquiry. In addition, we authorize the Inquiry Officer to appoint requisite staff on temporary basis to assist him in the inquiry and to fix their salaries. Further, the BDA is directed to pay their salaries. The State Government and the BDA are directed to produce the files/documents in relation to the aforesaid lands before the Inquiry Officer within a period of four weeks from today. We request the Inquiry Officer to submit his report to this Court as expeditiously as possible. 27. The State Government and the BDA are further directed to proceed with the acquisition of the aforementioned lands without excluding land from acquisition and submit a report to this Court the steps taken by them in this regard within a period of three months from today. 28. In addition, it was submitted at the Bar that several cases where similar orders of exclusion in relation to lands notified for acquisitions for the formation of ‘Dr. K. Shivarama Karantha Layout’ have been passed by the High Court and that BDA has failed to challenge those orders in connivance with the landowners and influential persons. We hereby direct the BDA to challenge all such orders/seek review of the said orders in accordance with law within a period of three months from today. 29. The appeals are disposed of in the aforesaid terms leaving the parties to bear their own costs. ..……………………J. (Arun Mishra) New Delhi; ….………………...J. August 3, 2018. (S. Abdul Nazeer)

Monday, August 6, 2018


There are properties for sale by Non-Resident Indians and the prices are appearantly and comparitively cheaper. But, check the relevant provisions of the Law and the titles of the property along with applicable taxes. There are more complications at that cheaper price and do not send the invitation to the taxmen by buying the property without due diligent examination.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


PROJECTS APPROVED BY RERA KARNATAKA CHECK AND CONDUCT A THOROUGH AND DILIGENT ENQUIRY INTO TITLES S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 26 PR/ Godrej Housing Projects LLP Godrej Air KN/170725/000006 20 PR/ AARRA COMMUNITIES HOLDINGS AARRA SPRINGS KN/170726/000020 11 PR/ SOBHA LIMITED Sobha Silicon Oasis Phase 1 Wing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 KN/170726/000032 58 PR/ Chartered Housing Pvt Ltd Chartered Hummingbird KN/170726/000049 101 PR/ Prestige Estates Projects Limited PRESTIGE BOULEVARD KN/170726/000057 98 PR/ Prestige Estates Projects Limited Prestige Kew Gardens KN/170726/000058 61 PR/ Saida Bhanu J Saraf Saraff Enclave KN/170727/000035 135 PR/ Sanchaya Land And Estate Private skyview KN/170727/000071 Limited 133 PR/ Goodhome Realty Limited Peninsula Heights KN/170727/000072 129 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE LEELA RESIDENCES KN/170727/000077 LIMITED 141 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE SPENCER HEIGHTS KN/170727/000082 LIMITED 82 PR/ Royaume Estates Private Limited Skylark Royaume KN/170728/000047 40 PR/ SRC DIVAKARS SKY ASTA KN/170728/000051 92 PR/ Mahendra Homes Pvt Ltd Mahendra AARNA KN/170728/000061 86 PR/ UNICON SHELTERS PVT LTD UNICON NORTH BROOKS 46 KN/170728/000068 117 PR/ Chartered Housing Pvt Ltd Chartered Veda KN/170728/000076 38 PR/ Sankalp Constructions Private Sankalp Magnum KN/170728/000079 Limited 181 PR/ RBD Shelters LLP RBD STILLWATERS-BLOCK 2 WING C KN/170728/000104 198 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE PINEWOOD KN/170728/000109 LIMITED 184 PR/ PRESTIGE NOTTINGHILL PRESTIGE FALCON CITY KN/170728/000114 INVESTMENTS 126 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Silicon Oasis Phase 3 Wing 8 KN/170728/000118 138 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Silicon Oasis Phase 4 Wing 9 KN/170728/000119 114 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Silicon Oasis Phase 2 Wing 7 KN/170728/000120 122 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Silicon Oasis Phase 5 Wing 10 & 11 KN/170728/000121 194 PR/ Brigade Enterprises Ltd Brigade Panorama KN/170728/000125 222 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE DEJAVU S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170728/000129 LIMITED 203 PR/ Vinayaka Builders and Developers Century Indus Phase 2 KN/170728/000135 209 PR/ Amar Infrabuilt Scarlett Homes KN/170728/000138 158 PR/ SEVEN CONSTRUCTIONS THE SEVEN KN/170728/000141 208 PR/ SMART VALUE HOMES (PEENYA NEW HAVEN BENGALURU PHASE II KN/170728/000146 PROJECT) PRIVATE LIMITED 213 PR/ Sterling Developers Private Limited Sterling Pointe KN/170728/000148 147 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Silicon Oasis Phase 6 Block 2 and 3 (Row KN/170728/000153 house No. 1 to 8 & 11 to 17) 132 PR/ Adarsh Developers Adarsh Premia - Phase 1 KN/170728/000155 123 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Palm Springs Phase 12 KN/170728/000168 Wing 48 and 49 234 PR/ SMART VALUE HOMES (PEENYA New Haven Bengaluru Phase III KN/170728/000171 PROJECT) PRIVATE LIMITED 231 PR/ Abraham & Thomas Engineers Pvt Cumins Genesis KN/170728/000172 Ltd 235 PR/ Prestige Habitat Ventures Prestige Lakeside Habitat KN/170728/000176 229 PR/ HV Ventures Projects Pvt Ltd Habitat Iluminar KN/170728/000183 232 PR/ GOPALRAO TUKARAM KRRISH VIHAR KN/170728/000189 KUKDOLKAR 257 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE KENILWORTH KN/170728/000208 LIMITED 144 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Silicon Oasis Phase 7 Block 2 and 3 (Row KN/170728/000212 House No. 9, 10) 290 PR/ Amar constructions Amar Enclave KN/170728/000213 288 PR/ Stumpp Schuele and Somappa Machani Ananda KN/170728/000215 Private Limited 284 PR/ Prestige Southcity Holdings Prestige Gulmohar KN/170728/000216 286 PR/ Jain Heights and Structures Pvt Ltd Jain Heights Grand West Phase I KN/170728/000219 282 PR/ Kumar Properties Pvt Ltd Kumar Kino Platinum KN/170728/000222 279 PR/ NITESH HOUSING DEVELOPERS Nitesh Melbourne Park KN/170728/000224 PRIVATE LIMITED 272 PR/ Platinum Properties Princeville KN/170728/000226 276 PR/ Godrej Construction Projects LLP., Godrej Avenues KN/170728/000229 14 PR/ United Oxygen Company Private Godrej United KN/170729/000003 Limited 121 PR/ Rajarajeshware builddcon private MANIKCHAND 117FF KN/170729/000063 limited 118 PR/ SALARPURIA PROPERTIES DIVINITY, a project jointly promoted by Salarpuria KN/170729/000064 PRIVATE LIMITED and Sattva Group S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 113 PR/ Value Designbuild Private Limited VDB AZURE KN/170729/000069 145 PR/ Puravankara Limited Purva Palmbeach KN/170729/000091 163 PR/ GOOD EARTH ECO MALHAR PATTERNS KN/170729/000101 DEVELOPMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED 220 PR/ Pramuk Infracon LLP Pramuk MM Meridian KN/170729/000128 221 PR/ M G Associates Kashi Kamal Gruh Yojana KN/170729/000133 27 PR/ vajram estates private limited vajram tiara KN/170729/000144 238 PR/ CoEvolve Estates Pvt. Ltd. CoEvolve Northern Star KN/170729/000151 (formerly Asset Handlers Pvt. Ltd.) 167 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Rain Forest Phase 4 Wing KN/170729/000156 11 154 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Rain Forest Phase 2 Wing KN/170729/000157 3 and 4 200 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Palm Springs Phase 14 KN/170729/000160 Wing 53 210 PR/ Bhartiya City Developers Private Nikoo Homes I (Towers 1 - 6 & 10) KN/170729/000161 Limited 201 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Tropical Greens Phase 9 KN/170729/000163 Wing 45 125 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Palm Court KN/170729/000164 174 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Tropical Greens Phase 6 KN/170729/000165 Wing 41 170 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Palm Springs Phase 13 KN/170729/000170 Wing 52 206 PR/ CHAITANYA KULKARNI VIPRA VAIBHAVA KN/170729/000177 236 PR/ Bhartiya City Developers Private Nikoo Homes II West KN/170729/000188 Limited 161 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Rain forest Phase 1 Wing 1 KN/170729/000193 and 2 256 PR/ Skylark Arcadia Private Limited Skylark Arcadia KN/170729/000194 160 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Tropical Greens Phase 8 KN/170729/000195 Wing 43 and 44 227 PR/ Bhartiya City Developers Private Nikoo Homes II East KN/170729/000197 Limited 197 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Tropical Greens Phase 7 KN/170729/000202 Wing 42 187 PR/ SRI NAKODA CONSTRUCTION LTD VALMARK ORCHARD SQUARE KN/170729/000204 172 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Tropical Greens Phase 10 KN/170729/000206 Wing 46 177 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Palm Springs Phase 11 KN/170729/000207 Wing 47 277 PR/ PANCHAXSHRI HIREMATH KADALGIKAR COMPLEX KN/170729/000217 151 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Rain Forest Phase 3 Wing 5 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170729/000221 and 6 176 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Rain Forest Phase 5 Wing KN/170729/000223 16 275 PR/ Puravankara Ltd Sound of Water Phase 1 by Puravankara KN/170729/000230 322 PR/ Alekhya Property Developments Adarsh Lakefront Residential - Phase 1 KN/170729/000232 Pvt Ltd 320 PR/ Godrej Home Constructions Private Godrej Eternity KN/170729/000233 Limited 127 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Indraprastha KN/170729/000234 324 PR/ Puravankara Limited Purva Coronation Square KN/170729/000235 323 PR/ Purva Star Properties Ltd Purva Westend KN/170729/000236 219 PR/ Foundations, Developers & Foundations Silver Springs KN/170729/000240 Promoters 312 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE SONG OF THE SOUTH PHASE I KN/170729/000243 LIMITED 318 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE WESTWOODS KN/170729/000248 LIMITED 306 PR/ G CORP SPACES PVT LTD G CORP RESIDENCES KN/170729/000249 315 PR/ Expat Projects & Development Pvt The Wisdom Tree Community KN/170729/000251 Ltd 310 PR/ vajram holdings private limited vajram esteva KN/170729/000254 291 PR/ HV Ventures Projects Pvt Ltd Habitat Eden Heights KN/170729/000258 237 PR/ Chaitanya Kulkarni Nitya Chaitanya (A-wing) KN/170729/000261 299 PR/ PARTH CONSTRUCTIONS PVT LTD PARTH GARDENIA KN/170729/000265 46 PR/ T3 URBAN DEVELOPERS LTD T3 GREEN CITY KN/170729/000267 29 PR/ Citrus Properties Private Limited Polaris KN/170729/000268 274 PR/ Total Environment Living Spaces Learning To Fly KN/170729/000270 Pvt Ltd 348 PR/ BOLLINENI DEVELOPERS LTD BOLLINENI SILAS KN/170729/000274 301 PR/ JR HOUSING DEVELOPERS PVT JR URBANIA PHASE 6 KN/170729/000275 LTD 266 PR/ DNR CORPORATION PVT LTD DNR REFLECTION KN/170729/000279 337 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE BAGAMANE TEMPLE BELLS KN/170729/000281 LIMITED 295 PR/ Century Real Estate Holdings Century Ethos KN/170729/000283 Private Limited 331 PR/ vajram estates private limited vajram elina KN/170729/000285 244 PR/ Amrut Porwal Sanjeevini Nagar KN/170729/000289 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 263 PR/ Relationship Properties Private Parkwest - Mulberry - Tower 3 KN/170729/000292 Limited 179 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Rain forest Phase 15 Wing KN/170729/000293 17 333 PR/ Goyal Hariyana Realty ALANOVILLE KN/170729/000294 223 PR/ Sterling Developers Private Limited Sterling Infnia KN/170729/000310 252 PR/ Janaadhar India Private Limited Janaadhar Shubha II Cluster 1 KN/170729/000313 357 PR/ Chaitanya Kulkarni Nitya Chaitanya (B-Wing) KN/170729/000314 368 PR/ G CORP BUILDWELL PVT LTD GCORP MAHALAKSHMI KN/170729/000316 188 PR/ BREN CORPORATION BREN EDGEWATERS KN/170729/000320 297 PR/ M/S NR GREENWOOD NR WINDGATES KN/170729/000322 CONSTRUCTION PVT LTD 427 PR/ Century Real Estate Holdings Century Bree e KN/170729/000324 Private Limited 426 PR/ Goyal Hariyana Realty Orchid Greens KN/170729/000328 433 PR/ M/s Adarsh Developers Adarsh Citrine KN/170729/000332 358 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE LAKE RIDGE PHASE 1 KN/170729/000334 LIMITED 360 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE LAKE RIDGE PHASE 2 KN/170729/000336 LIMITED 401 PR/ Janaadhar India Private Limited Janaadhar Shubha II Cluster 2 KN/170729/000337 405 PR/ Chaitanya Kulkarni C-Square KN/170729/000341 218 PR/ Vaishnavi Infrastructure Private VAISHNAVI ARS GARDENIA KN/170729/000344 Limited 335 PR/ Master Ventures Private Limited Master Classic Residency KN/170729/000350 398 PR/ Century joint Development Private Century Central KN/170729/000351 Limited 411 PR/ Janaadhar India Private Limited Janaadhar Shubha II Cluster 3 KN/170729/000353 365 PR/ Provident Housing Limited Provident Skyworth Phase 1 KN/170729/000355 421 PR/ REDDY STRUCTURES PRIVATE MAHAVEER PALATIUM KN/170729/000357 LIMITED 469 PR/ Palladium Constructions Pvt Ltd Tower 6 One Bangalore West KN/170729/000365 397 PR/ BREN Corporation BREN STARLIGHT KN/170729/000368 466 PR/ Foundations, Developers & Foundations Pearl KN/170729/000369 Promoters 422 PR/ ASSOCIATED HOUSING FINANCE Ranka Stelo KN/170729/000370 AND INVESTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 479 PR/ Vigneshwara Estates Century Infniti KN/170729/000376 482 PR/ DISHA DWELLINGS PVT LTD DISHA CENTRAL PARK KN/170729/000378 471 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Arena - The Pla a (Block 3) KN/170729/000384 488 PR/ NITESH ESTATES LIMITED Nitesh RIO KN/170729/000385 484 PR/ O one Realtors Private Limited O one Polestar KN/170729/000386 444 PR/ DISHA DWELLINGS PVT LTD DISHA PARK WEST KN/170729/000387 408 PR/ BREN CORPORATION BREN IMPERIA KN/170729/000390 481 PR/ RED CORAL PROPERTIES MAHAVEER CYGNET KN/170729/000393 445 PR/ Puravankara Limited Purva Westend Phase 1 KN/170729/000394 448 PR/ Provident Housing Limited Provident Skyworth Phase 2 KN/170729/000400 78 PR/ SANIKA DEVELOPERS SANIKA LANDMARK - C WING KN/170730/000105 164 PR/ keshav.parmoji MANAS RESIDENCY KN/170730/000112 193 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Valley View - Heritage KN/170730/000117 215 PR/ Relationship Properties Private Parkwest - Olive - Tower 1 KN/170730/000173 Limited 205 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Clovelly KN/170730/000201 142 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Avenue KN/170730/000231 48 PR/ August Ventures Private Limited August Grand KN/170730/000242 189 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha 25 Richmond KN/170730/000257 307 PR/ Relationship Properties Private Parkwest - Maple - Tower 4 KN/170730/000277 Limited 311 PR/ Relationship Properties Private Parkwest - Sapphire- Tower 5 KN/170730/000284 Limited 336 PR/ O one Urbana Infra Developers Pvt O one Urbana KN/170730/000287 Ltd 149 PR/ M/s Mohtisham Complexes Private CANOPY KN/170730/000299 Limited 42 PR/ KRISHNA E CAMPUS PVT LTD LAPALAZZO RESIDENCES KN/170730/000301 191 PR/ Shri Bhakti Constructions Pvt. Ltd GANESHAM PRIDE HOMES KN/170730/000304 316 PR/ SANSIDH CONSTRUCTIONS SANSIDH GALAXY KN/170730/000315 429 PR/ GCORP HOMES PVT LTD THE ICON NORTH Towers C , D and E (Cluster III) KN/170730/000326 402 PR/ SNN Spiritua Developers SNN Raj Spiritua S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170730/000342 406 PR/ Axis Concepts Capstone Pvt ltd Experia KN/170730/000359 477 PR/ METROPOLIS FAIR OAKS METROPOLIS FAIR OAKS KN/170730/000380 485 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE VALLEY CREST PHASE I KN/170730/000388 LIMTED 400 PR/ Bren corporation BREN CHAMPIONS SQUARE KN/170730/000395 487 PR/ Metrik Infraprojects Pvt Ltd Jain Heights East Parade Phase II KN/170730/000396 454 PR/ Relationship Properties Private Parkwest - Emerald - Tower 2 KN/170730/000401 Limited 449 PR/ Goyal Hariyana Constructions ORCHID WHITEFIELD KN/170730/000402 453 PR/ Puravankara Limited Purva Sun ower KN/170730/000403 455 PR/ Brigade Enterprises Ltd. Brigade Buena Vista KN/170730/000405 446 PR/ SALARPURIA REAL ESTATES SALARPURIA-SATTVA EAST CREST KN/170730/000406 PRIVATE LIMITED 425 PR/ SATTVA DEVELOPERS PRIVATE SALARPURIA-SATTVA ANUGRAHA KN/170730/000407 LIMITED 461 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Arena - The Park ( Block 2 ) KN/170730/000411 434 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Mor aria Grandeur 2 (W1) KN/170730/000412 439 PR/ JR HOUSING DEVELOPERS PVT JR Garden Retreat 2 KN/170730/000414 LTD 524 PR/ REDDY HOUSING PRIVATE MAHAVEER CELESSE KN/170730/000415 LIMITED 464 PR/ Palladium Construction Pvt. Ltd. SORA of Kessaku KN/170730/000416 473 PR/ Adarsh Nivaas Private Limited Adarsh Palm Acres - Phase 2-Part B KN/170730/000418 465 PR/ GCORP HOMES PVT LTD THE ICON NORTH Tower F KN/170730/000420 522 PR/ REDDY SHELTERS PRIVATE MAHAVEER RANCHES PHASE I KN/170730/000421 LIMITED 519 PR/ Prestige AAA investments Prestige Woodside KN/170730/000423 517 PR/ Total Environment Building The Magic Faraway Tree Phase 2 KN/170730/000424 Systems Pvt Ltd 458 PR/ SHRAVANTHI SHELTERS SHRAVANTHI PALLADIUM KN/170730/000426 538 PR/ REDDY SHELTERS PRIVATE MAHAVEER RANCHES PHASE II KN/170730/000427 LIMITED 535 PR/ JR Housing Developers Pvt Ltd JR URBANIA PHASE5 KN/170730/000428 459 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha City - Casa Paradiso Block 4 KN/170730/000429 536 PR/ Palladium Constructions Pvt Ltd NIWA of Kessaku KN/170730/000431 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 531 PR/ PRESTIGE WHITEFIELD PRESTIGE TECHNOSTAR KN/170730/000432 INVESTMENT & DEVELOPERS LLP 424 PR/ Mahalaxmi Greens Mahalaxmi Greens KN/170730/000436 529 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PRESTIGE VALLEY CREST PHASE 2 KN/170730/000437 CONSTRUCTIONS LIMITED 526 PR/ RED CORAL PROPERTIES MAHAVEER HORIZON KN/170730/000438 504 PR/ Palladium Constructions Pvt Ltd MIZU of Kessaku KN/170730/000441 534 PR/ Prestige Estates Projects Ltd., Prestige Royale Gardens Phase-I KN/170730/000445 503 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE ROYALE GARDENS PHASE 2 KN/170730/000446 LIMITED 501 PR/ Palladium Constructions Pvt Ltd ZEFA of Kessaku KN/170730/000449 377 PR/ SPACE Va win Streak KN/170730/000450 498 PR/ Palladium Constructions Pvt Ltd FAIA of Kessaku KN/170730/000454 499 PR/ REDDY STRUCTURES PRIVATE MAHAVEER PROMENADE KN/170730/000455 LIMITED 496 PR/ Adarsh Nivaas Private Limited Adarsh Palm Acres - Phase 2-Part A KN/170730/000457 537 PR/ Mahindra Homes Private Limited Windchimes Phase 1 KN/170730/000458 491 PR/ Prestige Estates Projects Ltd Prestige Royal Gardens Phase-III KN/170730/000459 492 PR/ REDDY HOUSING PRIVATE MAHAVEER ZEPHYR PHASE II KN/170730/000461 LIMITED 489 PR/ BCV Developers Pvt Ltd Juniper at Brigade Orchards KN/170730/000462 512 PR/ REDDY STRUCTURES PRIVATE MAHAVEER MERIDIAN KN/170730/000467 LIMITED 511 PR/ SPACE Victoria KN/170730/000471 264 PR/ Hoysala Projects Private Limited Hoysala Ace-II KN/170730/000472 507 PR/ Adarsh Developers Palm Meadows Extension Phase-2 KN/170730/000476 509 PR/ Venkat Estates Private Limited VENKAT WINDSOR EAST KN/170730/000477 513 PR/ Akarsh Residence Pvt Ltd Adarsh Palm Retreat -Phase 3 Part B KN/170730/000481 565 PR/ Lotus Landmarks (I) Pvt Ltd Zenith KN/170730/000482 558 PR/ Lotus Landmarks (I) Pvt Ltd The one KN/170730/000484 559 PR/ Lotus Landmakrs (I) Pvt Ltd Pinnacle KN/170730/000488 561 PR/ Inspire Developers Inspire South KN/170730/000492 560 PR/ Lotus Landmarks (I) Pvt Ltd Lotus Orchard S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170730/000493 567 PR/ Mahindra Homes Private Limited Windchimes Phase 2 KN/170730/000495 575 PR/ Brigade Enterprises Ltd Brigade Atmosphere- Phase 1 KN/170730/000497 76 PR/ UNITECH LTD UNIWORLD RESORTS KN/170731/000041 183 PR/ Nidhi Land Infrastructure The sharon Rose KN/170731/000110 Developers india private Ltd 204 PR/ Prakash Kothari Globus Smart City Apartment KN/170731/000113 196 PR/ Midmac Developers Pvt Ltd Midmac Orange County KN/170731/000115 202 PR/ IndiaBuild Homes Private Limited The Central Regency Address KN/170731/000123 195 PR/ IndiaBuild Developers Private The County Address KN/170731/000124 Limited 212 PR/ Bhandari Construction and BCD Paradiso KN/170731/000142 Developers Pvt. Ltd. 216 PR/ Sarita Shetty Chartered Veda KN/170731/000147 243 PR/ RENAISSANCE HOLDINGS AND Renaissance Nature Walk Phase III (Building KN/170731/000162 DEVELOPERS PVT LTD 04,Building 09 and Building 10) 54 PR/ Svamitva Infra Private limited Shantiniketan Park P-1 KN/170731/000175 73 PR/ creative & Srivaru builders SREE PALACE KN/170731/000178 233 PR/ Bhartiya City Developers Private Bhartiya Leela Residences KN/170731/000184 Limited 185 PR/ GOLDEN GATE PROPERTIES LTD Golden Panorama KN/170731/000186 31 PR/ VBHC Mumbai Value Homes pvt. VBHC Palmhaven 2 KN/170731/000192 ltd. 269 PR/ SOWPARNIKA PROJECTS AND SOWPARNIKA THARANGINI PHASE I KN/170731/000200 INFRASTRUCTURE PVT. LTD. 294 PR/ Alpine Housing Development alpine vistula KN/170731/000211 Corporation Limited 285 PR/ VASTUSIDDHI BUILDCON PVT. LTD. VASTU SAMDRANI KN/170731/000220 314 PR/ LGCL URBAN HOMES (INDIA) LLP LGCL UNITED TOWERS KN/170731/000244 328 PR/ L&T Construction Equipment Ltd LTCEL RAINTREE BOULEVARD CL1 KN/170731/000245 211 PR/ Radiant Properties Radiant Spencer Annex KN/170731/000263 352 PR/ PIONEER DEVELOPERS PIONEER KINGSTOWN KN/170731/000266 353 PR/ Shweta and Gita Constructions S & G Luxuria KN/170731/000272 India Pvt Ltd 111 PR/ Griha Promoters Pvt. Ltd Griha Unnathi KN/170731/000273 341 PR/ Shri. Amrutkumbh Constructions Amrut Sagar KN/170731/000280 Pvt Ltd S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 330 PR/ LGCL Properties Pvt. Ltd. LGCL PUEBLO KN/170731/000286 355 PR/ AJMERA HOUSING CORPORATION AJMERA ANNEX RESIDENTIAL KN/170731/000288 (BANGALORE) 339 PR/ Sankalp Constructions private Sanaklp Temple Tree KN/170731/000291 limited 394 PR/ Vedant Developers Vedant Vayun KN/170731/000296 388 PR/ Ajmera Housing corporation, Ajmera Annex Commercial KN/170731/000302 Bangalore 393 PR/ LGCL URBAN HOMES (INDIA) LLP LGCL NEW LIFE KN/170731/000303 380 PR/ Midmac Developers Pvt Ltd Midmac Silver Oak KN/170731/000306 378 PR/ Anand A co Infracon India Private BREATHE KN/170731/000307 Limited 382 PR/ Ithaca Estates Private Limited Skylark Ithaca KN/170731/000308 372 PR/ LGCL Properties Pvt. Ltd. LGCL LUXURIATE KN/170731/000312 374 PR/ MANA PROJECTS PRIVATE MANA TROPICALE KN/170731/000317 LIMITED 423 PR/ KISHA PRIVATE LIMITED ARGE URBAN BLOOM KN/170731/000318 363 PR/ NVT Quality Lifestyle Projects Pvt. NVT Life Square KN/170731/000325 Ltd. 438 PR/ LGCL Properties Pvt. Ltd LGCL Stonescape KN/170731/000327 432 PR/ Rohit Suresh Porwal Sai Arcade KN/170731/000331 253 PR/ Midmac Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Midmac ELEGANT KN/170731/000340 436 PR/ Lily Realty Pvt Ltd Pashmina Waterfront -Phase-I KN/170731/000345 403 PR/ SAMPRASIDDHI INFRATECH SAMPRASIDDHI GREENEDGE KN/170731/000347 410 PR/ Apple spire India LLP BIRLA APPLE SPIRE KN/170731/000358 419 PR/ Midmac Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Midmac Orchid KN/170731/000360 413 PR/ VICTORIA ROBERTS SPURTHY SHELTERS KN/170731/000366 472 PR/ BOLLINENI DEVELOPERS LIMITED BOLLINENI SILAS KN/170731/000371 248 PR/ VIJAYA ENTERPRISES Hara Vijaya Heights KN/170731/000372 428 PR/ Astrum Value Homes Private ASTRUM GRANDVIEW MYSORE PHASE - I KN/170731/000373 Limited 478 PR/ Lalith Gangadhar Constructions LGCL One Street KN/170731/000374 Pvt. Ltd. 386 PR/ PANARE BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS SHREE SAI SRUSHTI (PHASE -2) KN/170731/000377 431 PR/ IndiaBuild Villas Development Pvt The Gran Carmen Address S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170731/000379 Ltd 416 PR/ Grahuna Builders & Developers Pvt. Shivtirth Residency KN/170731/000381 Ltd. 486 PR/ APPLE SPIRE INDIA LLP BIRLA APPLE AROMA KN/170731/000383 442 PR/ Hitin Property Developments 1410 The Residences KN/170731/000389 443 PR/ Army Welfare Housing Organisatin Provisional of Residential Accommodation for KN/170731/000391 AWHO Phase II 451 PR/ Pride & Expert Properties Private Pride Palatia Phase II KN/170731/000404 Limited 361 PR/ Pride & Expert Properties Private Pride Enchanta Phase I KN/170731/000409 Limited 447 PR/ Pride & Expert Properties Private Pride Enchanta Phase II KN/170731/000410 Limited 525 PR/ ZUARI INFRAWORLD INDIA Zuari Garden City - Brindavan Serenity KN/170731/000425 LIMITED 280 PR/ Pundalik Chougule Ashraya Apartment KN/170731/000430 521 PR/ Total Environment Habitat Private PURSUITOFARADICALRHAPSODYPHASE1 KN/170731/000433 Limited 533 PR/ Mantri Technology Constellations Mantri Manyata Energia KN/170731/000439 Pvt. Ltd. 532 PR/ PARANJAPE SCHEMES WINDFIELDS KN/170731/000442 BANGALORE 515 PR/ Mantri Technology Constellations Mantri Manyata Lithos KN/170731/000444 Pvt. Ltd. 527 PR/ Shree Sai Builders KUBER PLAZA KN/170731/000447 523 PR/ SUN SHINE DEVELOPERS Orange Tree KN/170731/000448 502 PR/ Bearys Properties and Bearys Turning Point KN/170731/000451 Developments Private Limited 370 PR/ Sree Senior Homes Sharadindu - State III KN/170731/000452 500 PR/ M/s Ds & Jaks Constructions Needs 3 Project276 KN/170731/000453 494 PR/ JR Housing Developers Pvt Ltd JR Habitat KN/170731/000456 452 PR/ Pride & Expert Properties Private Pride Palatia Phase I KN/170731/000463 Limited 475 PR/ PRESIDENCY BUILDERS & PRESIDENCY LIFE STYLE KN/170731/000464 DEVELOPERS 250 PR/ Monarch Monarch Aqua - Block A KN/170731/000466 514 PR/ L&T Construction Equipment Ltd LTCEL RAINTREE BOULEVARD CL 2 KN/170731/000478 304 PR/ ARYA GRUHA PRIVATE LIMITED ARYA HAMSA GRANDE KN/170731/000479 566 PR/ Total Environment Building After the Rain- Phase 1 KN/170731/000483 Systems Pvt. Ltd 564 PR/ Mantri Developers Private Limited Mantri Centrium KN/170731/000485 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 555 PR/ MAYSONSSJR REALTY PVT LTD Maysons Udbhava KN/170731/000487 556 PR/ Allegro Builders & Developers ALLEGRO AUREUS KN/170731/000490 67 PR/ SHREE VIJAYALAXMI BUILDERS NEELA RESIDENCY KN/170731/000491 PVT. LTD. 505 PR/ Mantri Castles Pvt Ltd Mantri Serenity1 KN/170731/000494 574 PR/ VAASTU STRUCTURES PVT. LTD. VAASTU HILL VIEW 3 KN/170731/000496 516 PR/ SHASHI KIRAN C. N. EWEST SKYWAY KN/170731/000498 506 PR/ Mantri Castles Pvt Ltd Mantri Serenity3 KN/170731/000500 576 PR/ PLUTO REALTORS PVT. LTD. SALARPURIA-SATTVA CADENZA KN/170731/000501 562 PR/ Mantri Castles Pvt Ltd Mantri Serenity4 KN/170731/000502 570 PR/ Brigade Enterprises Ltd Brigade Lakefront - Crimson KN/170731/000503 563 PR/ Mantri Castles Pvt Ltd Mantri Serenity5 KN/170731/000504 467 PR/ Mantri Gardenview Homes Private Mantri Blossom1 KN/170731/000505 Ltd 571 PR/ Mantri Gardenview Homes Private Mantri Blossom 2 KN/170731/000507 Limited 572 PR/ Brigade Enterprises Ltd Brigade 7 Gardens KN/170731/000508 544 PR/ GREENLEAF PROJECTS PVT. LTD. GREENLEAF VINDHYA KN/170731/000512 225 PR/ GREENSCALE REALTY VENTURES GREEN HILLS KN/170731/000516 LLP 573 PR/ Total Environment Constructions A Few Honest Words KN/170731/000517 Private Limited 106 PR/ Marian Projects Pvt. Ltd. Marian Sentinel KN/170731/000518 549 PR/ Navanaami Projects Pvt Ltd Navanaami Platina KN/170731/000519 550 PR/ Suncrest Structures LLP Suncrest Pebbles KN/170731/000520 385 PR/ Sandeep Kumar S T G Epitome KN/170731/000521 254 PR/ MAHABALESHWARA PROMOTERS CLASSIQUE EBONY KN/170731/000523 AND BUILDERS PRIVATE LIMITED 621 PR/ Aubergine Properties Private Whitefeld Tower (APPL) KN/170731/000524 Limited 104 PR/ K Shrinath Hebbar Solitaire KN/170731/000525 345 PR/ U.K.N. PROPERTIES PRIVATE BELVEDERE by UKN AIRPORT DISTRICT -PHASE KN/170731/000527 LIMITED 1 156 PR/ CHALET HOTELS PRIVATE Raheja Vivarea KN/170731/000528 LIMITED 260 PR/ GANESH M P SHANTHALA SHRIRAM S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170731/000532 612 PR/ Sai Panchami Developers Private Akshay Green City, KN/170731/000535 Limited 632 PR/ CITADEL DEVELOPERS AURUM KN/170731/000536 554 PR/ Bearys Properties and Bearys Green Avenue KN/170731/000537 Developments Private Limited 615 PR/ VINIT S AMIN SHIPAL KN/170731/000539 622 PR/ Radiance Realty Developers India Radiance IRIS KN/170731/000542 Limited 303 PR/ SAIRAJ BUILDERS AND SAIRAJ EMPIRE KN/170731/000543 DEVELOPERS 605 PR/ SIGNIFA DEVELOPERS SIGNIFA SPRINGS KN/170731/000545 597 PR/ R S Realty Promotions Blue Bells KN/170731/000546 616 PR/ Ramesh Mehta Padam Poonam Homes KN/170731/000549 608 PR/ Mantri Developers Private Limited Mantri Webcity3C KN/170731/000550 602 PR/ Mantri Developers Private Limited Mantri Webcity3B KN/170731/000551 539 PR/ UNISHIRE BUILDERS PRIVATE La Vida KN/170731/000553 LIMITED 153 PR/ S S REALTY LANDMARK GREEN COUNTY KN/170731/000554 626 PR/ Aureus Sonaroopa Aureus Emerald KN/170731/000555 553 PR/ Shashwati Realty Pvt Ltd Pashmina Brookwoods KN/170731/000556 50 PR/ SAIVEN DEVELOPERS AND SAIVEN SIESTA KN/170731/000559 CONSTRUCTIONS PVT LTD 611 PR/ Mantri Developers Private Limited Mantri Webcity3A KN/170731/000560 334 PR/ B and B INFRASTRUCTURE LTD Opulent SPIRE KN/170731/000561 589 PR/ Excel Dwellings India Pvt Ltd Oxigen Phase 2 KN/170731/000562 677 PR/ Sterling Urban Infra Projects Sterling Ascentia KN/170731/000563 Private Limited 541 PR/ Best Golden Developers Pvt Ltd The Presidential Tower KN/170731/000565 582 PR/ Svamitav Infra Pvt Ltd Spring Dell KN/170731/000566 581 PR/ DIVYA INFRA PROPERTIES PVT DIVYA JSR LIMELITE KN/170731/000567 LTD 579 PR/ MBR Homes Pvt Ltd MBR SUAVE KN/170731/000570 675 PR/ Durga Projects Petals KN/170731/000571 224 PR/ Samruddhi Reaalty Ltd Samruddhi Song Of Winds KN/170731/000572 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 262 PR/ FORTIUS LAND DEVELOPERS LLP Under the Sun KN/170731/000575 585 PR/ Vijaya Enterprises Vijaya Nisarga KN/170731/000576 474 PR/ DeFINER Ventures DeFINER Hi Life KN/170731/000578 660 PR/ Lotus Landmarks (I) Pvt Ltd Lotus RVP City KN/170731/000579 663 PR/ SHRAVANTHI SHELTERS SHRAVANTHI OAKRIDGE KN/170731/000581 606 PR/ Mars Builders MARS MOUNT KN/170731/000583 665 PR/ KNS Infrastructure Private Limited O one Kns Oasis KN/170731/000586 664 PR/ VINIT S AMIN SWATHI KN/170731/000587 495 PR/ Mohtisham Complexes Pvt Ltd FERNHILL KN/170731/000588 666 PR/ INDES PROJECTS (INDIA) PVT LTD WILLOW PARK KN/170731/000590 588 PR/ Brigade Enterprises Ltd Signature Towers KN/170731/000592 682 PR/ Shri Shabari Infrastructures SS South Crest KN/170731/000595 415 PR/ CMRS Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd MULBERRY MIST KN/170731/000597 651 PR/ Shyamaraju & Co (India) Private Republic of Whitefeld (Phase I) KN/170731/000598 Limited 63 PR/ Sanchaya Land And Estate Pvt Ltd THE GREENS PHASE II KN/170731/000599 592 PR/ Embassy Property Development Embassy Lake Terraces KN/170731/000602 Private Limited 595 PR/ Sycon Constructions Private Sycon Maitri KN/170731/000603 Limited 367 PR/ Sumukha Constructions SUMUKHA TROPICAL GARDEN KN/170731/000604 551 PR/ Mantri Developers Private Limited Mantri Webcity2A KN/170731/000608 656 PR/ SANSIDH CONSTRUCTIONS SANSIDH GALAXY KN/170731/000610 652 PR/ BOLLINENI DEVELOPERS LTD BOLLINENI NESTOR KN/170731/000612 591 PR/ Embassy Property Development Embassy Grove KN/170731/000614 Private Limited 641 PR/ Vishal Infrabuilt Limited Sky Nest KN/170731/000616 657 PR/ radiant builders RADIANT LAKE VIEW 3 KN/170731/000617 258 PR/ DF SILVERLINE CONSTRUCTIONS DF SILVERLINE QUEENS TERRACES KN/170731/000618 671 PR/ Embassy One Developers Private Embassy One KN/170731/000619 Limited 642 PR/ Mantri Developers Private Limited Mantri Webcity2B S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170731/000620 725 PR/ SNN Homes LLP SNN Raj Greenbay KN/170731/000621 724 PR/ Shyamaraju & Co (India) Private Republic of Whitefeld (Phase 2) KN/170731/000623 Limited 645 PR/ gomati infratech gomati iris KN/170731/000624 726 PR/ SBR GROUP SBR HORIZON KN/170731/000625 722 PR/ SAIVEN DEVELOPERS AND THE HAMPTONS KN/170731/000626 CONSTRUCTIONS PVT LTD 594 PR/ Embassy Property Development Embassy Boulevard KN/170731/000628 Private Limited 251 PR/ Uniworth Finvest Private Limited Uniworth Serenity KN/170731/000630 661 PR/ VMAKS BUILDERS PVT LTD VMAKS HEIGHTS KN/170731/000631 640 PR/ NAM Estates Private Limited Embassy Springs - Phase 1, Plotted Development KN/170731/000633 614 PR/ VKC Developers P Ltd., Chourasia Signature KN/170731/000637 649 PR/ SVAMITVA INFRA PRIVATE samrajya p-2 KN/170731/000638 LIMITED 103 PR/ DSR Infrastructure Pvt.Ltd. DSR LOTUS TOWERS KN/170731/000639 638 PR/ manjunathaproperties Manjunatha Classic KN/170731/000640 646 PR/ Candeur Constructions Candeur Carlisle KN/170731/000641 480 PR/ WINGS ECO HOMES PVT LTD Mittal Mermit Auriga KN/170731/000642 587 PR/ T Pramod Kumar YUVA EKA KN/170731/000643 545 PR/ VIBRIANT IMPEX PVT LTD FLAMINGO ROYAL SPLENDOR KN/170731/000645 707 PR/ Shyamaraju & Co (India) Private Republic of Whitefeld (Phase 3) KN/170731/000647 Limited 673 PR/ SAIBYA STRUCTURES PVT LTD Saibya Sterling KN/170731/000648 643 PR/ Adarsh Nivaas Private Limited Adarsh Palm Acres - Phase 1-Part A KN/170731/000650 259 PR/ TAPOVAN PROJECTS TAPOVAN SOLACE KN/170731/000651 483 PR/ Mahalaxmi Builder And developers English County KN/170731/000652 704 PR/ SNN Properties LLP SNN Raj Etternia KN/170731/000655 714 PR/ SIRAJ AHAMED INLAND MAYURA KN/170731/000656 637 PR/ Vijayasri Builders & Developers VijayaSri Eldorado KN/170731/000658 701 PR/ Adarsh Nivaas Private Limited Adarsh Palm Acres - Phase 1-Part B KN/170731/000659 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 699 PR/ Ranka Griha Nirman Private Ranka Junction KN/170731/000660 Limited 102 PR/ hinduja realty ventures limited ecopolis Block-2 KN/170731/000662 697 PR/ Total Environment Building Lost in the Greens KN/170731/000665 Systems Private Limited 568 PR/ Ibrox Real Estate Development Pvt. SNN CLERMONT KN/170731/000666 Ltd. 596 PR/ Sree Adithya Developers Sree Adithya Elite KN/170731/000668 497 PR/ SV CONSTRUCTIONS S.V.LEGACY KN/170731/000670 700 PR/ SITARA DEVELOPERS PRIVATE MAHAVEER SITARA KN/170731/000671 LIMITED 654 PR/ ICON HAPPY LIVING PROJECTS Icon Happy living Projects KN/170731/000672 723 PR/ melange prime properties Smart neighbourhoods KN/170731/000674 716 PR/ Janapriya Engineers Syndicate Pinegrove KN/170731/000675 Private Limited 695 PR/ VINIT S AMIN VASUNDHARA KN/170731/000676 617 PR/ MAC & VK Associates Palace Gardens KN/170731/000678 766 PR/ SNN Builders Pvt Ltd SNN Raj Grandeur KN/170731/000681 687 PR/ indes projects india pvt ltd DEWDROPS KN/170731/000682 635 PR/ Mittal Universal Constructions LLP Mittal Elan a KN/170731/000683 686 PR/ A ven Realty Ventures Private Back To Life KN/170731/000686 Limited 758 PR/ SAIBYA STRUCTURES PVT LTD Saibya Senary KN/170731/000689 684 PR/ TRIDENT CONSTRUCTION CO. ROYALE ARCH KN/170731/000692 764 PR/ radiant jasmine properties RADIANT JASMINE TOWER KN/170731/000694 709 PR/ CITADEL DEVELOPERS MAGNUM KN/170731/000695 718 PR/ CONCORDE HOUSING Concorde Epitome KN/170731/000698 CORPORATION PRIVATE LIMITED 761 PR/ Landstar Homes PINNACLE KN/170731/000699 120 PR/ Sanchaya Land And Estate Pvt Ltd THE GREENS PHASE I KN/170731/000701 755 PR/ SUMADHURA INFRACON PRIVATE SUMADHURA SOHAM PHASE-I KN/170731/000704 LIMITED 690 PR/ M. Ramu ROSHAN GARDENIA APARTMENT KN/170731/000705 552 PR/ VDB Whitefeld Development VDB Willow Farm KN/170731/000706 Private Limited 752 PR/ PRAMUR CONSTRUCTIONS PVT PRAMUR ESTONIA S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170731/000707 LTD 744 PR/ LGCL Properties Pvt. Ltd. LGCL HIGH STREET KN/170731/000712 756 PR/ PIONEER SUNBLOSSOM B BLOCK PIONEER SUNBLOSSOM B BLOCK KN/170731/000713 759 PR/ FIRE Luxur Developers Private FIRE Luxur Developers Private Limited KN/170731/000717 Limited 676 PR/ N J MONTVERT The RIVIERA KN/170731/000719 INFRASTRUCTURES 757 PR/ MBR HOMES PVT.Ltd MBR SHANGRILA KN/170731/000721 746 PR/ SATYADEVA BUILDERS SATYADEVA RESIDENCY KN/170731/000722 694 PR/ Bangalore Best Realty Private Adarsh Palm Acres - Phase 1-Part A KN/170731/000723 Limited 747 PR/ IndiaBuild Realty Pvt Ltd The Lake View Address- Phase 1 KN/170731/000725 749 PR/ MAHABALESHWARA PROMOTERS CLASSIQUE RUBY KN/170731/000726 AND BUILDERS PRIVATE LTD 593 PR/ IPRMS INVENT VILLAGGIO KN/170731/000728 754 PR/ Mythri Housing Private Limited Solus 2 Phase I KN/170731/000729 748 PR/ Shri Samarth Projects Samarth Prestige KN/170731/000730 750 PR/ lnsinfra GS LNS PRIDE KN/170731/000731 683 PR/ Bangalore Best Realty Private Adarsh Palm Acres - Phase 1-Part B KN/170731/000733 Limited 670 PR/ SVG PROPERTEIS PVT LTD MANHATTAN KN/170731/000735 738 PR/ RADIANT STRUCTURES PVT LTD JAYANAGAR COMMERCIAL KN/170731/000739 733 PR/ INLAND INFRASTRUCTURE INLAND SUNLIGHT-MOONLIGHT KN/170731/000741 DEVELOPERS PVT LTD 763 PR/ AHAD builders PVT LTD AHAD MEADOWS KN/170731/000745 742 PR/ SATTVA DEVELOPERS PRIVATE SALARPURIA-SATTVA OPUS KN/170731/000747 LIMITED 731 PR/ WHITECORAL CONSTRUCTIONS Cocoon KN/170731/000748 LLP 681 PR/ SRS SHELTERS SRS WHITE PEARL KN/170731/000751 729 PR/ S S REALTY LANDMARK GRAND CITY KN/170731/000752 540 PR/ Banashree Shelters Pvt Ltd BANASHREE ARKA FOREST VIEW - JAYA WING KN/170731/000754 740 PR/ KAMALDEEP PROMOTERS AND Anand Residency KN/170731/000756 DEVELOPERS 815 PR/ SHRAVANTHI SHELTERS SHRAVANTHI PRAGATHI KN/170731/000757 822 PR/ Brigade Enterprises Ltd Brigade Symphony Block A KN/170731/000758 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 829 PR/ Klassik Enterprises Private Limited KLASSIK LANDMARK APARTMENTS - PHASE II KN/170731/000760 820 PR/ SOWPARNIKA PROJECTS AND SOWPARNIKA COLUMNS KN/170731/000764 INFRASTRUCTURE PVT. LTD. 832 PR/ Rida Builders & Promoters Private Skylark Richmond KN/170731/000765 Limited 816 PR/ Arvind SmartSpaces Limited Arvind Sporcia KN/170731/000768 824 PR/ Arvind SmartSpaces Limited Arvind Skylands KN/170731/000771 821 PR/ Fortuna Constructions (I) Pvt Ltd Fortuna Bluewings KN/170731/000772 817 PR/ RADIANT STRUCTURES PVT LTD RADIANT ELITAIRE KN/170731/000773 842 PR/ DivyaSree Infrastruture Projects 77 Sky KN/170731/000775 Private Limited 825 PR/ REDDY STRUCTURES PRIVATE MAHAVEER TURQUOISE KN/170731/000777 LIMITED 693 PR/ Svamitva Infra Pvt Ltd Sunworld KN/170731/000779 844 PR/ O one Elegant Developers LLP O one Elegant Promenade KN/170731/000781 833 PR/ Paraag Constructions and Century Renata KN/170731/000782 Developers 831 PR/ Sanvi Properties SANVI SANKALPAM KN/170731/000783 830 PR/ Vaswani Whitefeld Projects Pvt Ltd Vaswani Exquisite-Phase One KN/170731/000784 630 PR/ Man Build Tech Alpine Square KN/170731/000785 834 PR/ G.SESHA RAO RAVOOS NANDAN KN/170731/000786 835 PR/ SRI SUMERU REALTY PRIVATE SURATARU KN/170731/000787 LIMITED 838 PR/ RADIANT STRUCTURES PVT LTD RADIANT EVOQ KN/170731/000788 836 PR/ ssvr builders ssvr tridax KN/170731/000790 644 PR/ M/S Vaasa Ventures The Hexagon KN/170731/000791 460 PR/ Raja Associates Sakeena Pla a B BLock KN/170731/000793 854 PR/ GGR Housing India Pvt Ltd PERAM ECO CITY KN/170731/000795 843 PR/ Asset Investments & Holdings HERE AND NOW KN/170731/000797 LLP 857 PR/ R.J. RISHIKARAN PROJECTS R J LAKE GARDENIA KN/170731/000798 PRIVATE LIMITED 839 PR/ ICON INFRA SHELTERS INDIA PVT. Icon Sanctuary KN/170731/000800 LTD. 849 PR/ BVS REDDY Shilpitha Sn ower KN/170731/000801 847 PR/ RADIANT STRUCTURES PVT LTD RADIANT ROYAL WOODS S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170731/000802 855 PR/ ECO LIFE DEVELOPERS ELEMENTS OF NATURE KN/170731/000804 853 PR/ RED CORAL PROPERTIES MAHAVEER TRANQUIL KN/170731/000807 846 PR/ DSR INFRASTRUCTURE PVT LTD DSR WATERSCAPE KN/170731/000808 848 PR/ MAHABALESHWARA PROMOTERS CLASSIQUE TEMPLE TREE KN/170731/000809 AND BUILDERS PRIVATE LIMITED 543 PR/ ZUARI INFRAWORLD INDIA Zuari Garden city - Kaveri Apartments KN/170731/000810 LIMITED 773 PR/ CHARMINAR BOTTLING COMPANY SUNRISE GREENS KN/170731/000812 PRIVATE LIMITED 818 PR/ Commune Properties India Pvt Ltd Commune KN/170731/000813 771 PR/ Peony Projects MIDDLE MIST KN/170731/000815 772 PR/ Nidhi Land Infrastructure ROSARY COTTAGE KN/170731/000816 Developers pvt Ltd 850 PR/ KSM Niketan Pvt Lted Olympia Enchante KN/170731/000817 841 PR/ Aswani Properties Aswani Aaeesha A Wing KN/170731/000819 769 PR/ vaishnobuilders vaishno signature KN/170731/000820 786 PR/ Biodiversity Conservation India BCIL Zed Rain Seed KN/170731/000823 Private Limited Company 768 PR/ Amrutha Constructions Amrutha Maple KN/170731/000825 787 PR/ Surya Homes Surya Elegance KN/170731/000827 767 PR/ REDDY STRUCTURES PRIVATE MAHAVEER WILLET KN/170731/000828 LIMITED 770 PR/ SVS CONSTRUCTIONS TRENDSQUARE PRECIOSO KN/170731/000829 845 PR/ Umiya Builders and Developers Umiya Woods KN/170731/000830 785 PR/ Meda Greens Meda Greens KN/170731/000831 784 PR/ Legacy Global Projects Private Legacy Eldora KN/170731/000833 Limited 779 PR/ FortunaConstructions India Private Fortuna Acacia KN/170731/000834 Limited 751 PR/ VAISHNAVI INFRASTRUCTURE VAISHNAVI SIGNATURE KN/170731/000836 PRIVATE LIMITED 777 PR/ CHARMINAR BOTTLING COMPANY SUNRISE GREENS KN/170731/000837 PVT. LTD., 799 PR/ KOLTE PATIL DEVELOPERS LTD MIRABILIS KN/170731/000838 782 PR/ M/s. SHRAVANEE BUILDERS SHRAVANEE SUMO KN/170731/000839 796 PR/ DSR INFRSTRUCTURE PVT LTD DSR WHITE WATERS PHASE - II KN/170731/000841 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 783 PR/ Parthu Estates Pvt Ltd Parthu Pride KN/170731/000842 788 PR/ Prakruti Century Properties Century Sports Village KN/170731/000844 776 PR/ S S REALTY LANDMARK OXYGEN KN/170731/000846 801 PR/ RR. ENTERPRISES ROSHAN PLATINUM APARTMENT KN/170731/000847 793 PR/ Nitin A Shirgurkar Nievo Meridian KN/170731/000848 795 PR/ N J Builders & Promoters THE BELLA VISTA KN/170731/000850 797 PR/ Yamuna Kamaldeep Builders Ganga Yamuna KN/170731/000851 794 PR/ R. Krupaker Reddy Calvin Royal residency KN/170731/000853 798 PR/ Tranquil Realty Pvt Ltd Vaswani Menlo Park-Phase One KN/170731/000854 813 PR/ M/s.Innovative Developers Innovative Oak Garden Phase-2 KN/170731/000855 790 PR/ KOLTE PATIL DEVELOPERS LTD RAAGA KN/170731/000856 811 PR/ Sri Vinayaka Builders MALLESHWARAM ENCLAVE KN/170731/000858 789 PR/ Aswani Properties Aswani Aaeesha B Wing KN/170731/000859 812 PR/ Ceear Realty & Infrastructure The Big Tree KN/170731/000860 Private Limited 806 PR/ KOLTE PATIL DEVELOPERS LTD I TOWERS EXENTE KN/170731/000862 810 PR/ Brigade Enterprises Ltd Plumeria Phase 1 at Brigade Meadows KN/170731/000863 739 PR/ Prathamm Developers Prathamm Indraprastha KN/170731/000864 805 PR/ KNS Infrastructure Private Limited Kurubarapalya KN/170731/000865 808 PR/ VASUDHA BUILDERS VASUDHA SPRINGS KN/170731/000866 803 PR/ Legacy Global Projects Private Legacy Cataleya KN/170731/000867 Limited 886 PR/ KNS INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE Donenahalli - 1 KN/170731/000872 LIMITED 778 PR/ GEOMAC DEVELOPERS GEOMAC PARK KN/170731/000873 800 PR/ SATWI INFRA SATWI S THAVIL KN/170731/000874 889 PR/ ANKIT ENTERPRISES 24K GRAZIO KN/170731/000876 893 PR/ Legacy Global Projects Private Legacy Salvador KN/170731/000877 Limited 892 PR/ N J Builders & Promoters N J Aura KN/170731/000879 894 PR/ RGM HOMES ATHISH PRIDE S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170731/000880 804 PR/ Green Orchards Farm Houses Century Arti an KN/170731/000881 898 PR/ Legacy Global Projects Private Legacy Madelia KN/170731/000882 Limited 888 PR/ DISHA LOHARUKA INFRA solaris KN/170731/000883 PROJECTS 897 PR/ M. Sreenivasulu Reddy VISWA PRAKRUTHI KOSALA NAGAR KN/170731/000884 899 PR/ Legacy Global Projects Private Legacy Vivienda KN/170731/000885 Limited 900 PR/ ROHAN PROCON LLP Rohan Iksha Block A KN/170731/000887 885 PR/ VMAKS BUILDERS Pvt Ltd vmaks laurel KN/170731/000889 895 PR/ Yamuna kamaldeep Developers Prakruthi KN/170731/000890 826 PR/ JANA JEEVA ESTATES PVT LD JANAJEEVA ORCHID KN/170731/000891 902 PR/ Nitin Arvindrao Shirgurkar Nievo Serenity KN/170731/000892 901 PR/ Aswani Properties India Pvt Ltd Aswani Sunshine KN/170731/000896 905 PR/ Legacy Global Projects Private Legacy Cirocco KN/170731/000900 Limited 906 PR/ MARVEL OMEGA BUILDERS PVT ORIAL KN/170731/000902 LTD.(FORMERLY ULTRA REALTORS AND DEVELOPERS (PUNE) PVT LTD). 907 PR/ Rohan Gruh Nirman LLP Rohan Akriti Building 1 KN/170731/000903 261 PR/ NORTHERNSKY PROPERTIES NORTHERNSKY COURTYARD KN/170801/000181 268 PR/ MEDA ETERNITY Meda Eternity KN/170801/000187 409 PR/ SHRIPROP PROJECTS PRIVATE SHRIRAM SOUTHERN CREST KN/170801/000364 LIMITED 463 PR/ SUPERTECH LIMITED Supertech Micasa KN/170801/000509 599 PR/ Inner spaces Meadow in the sun KN/170801/000544 241 PR/ CORPORATE LEISURE AND SUNCITY GLORIA KN/170801/000548 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTS PVT LTD 600 PR/ NAMBIAR BUILDERS PVT LTD BELLEZEA-ANNEX KN/170801/000552 610 PR/ KALBURGI PROJECTS KALBURGI PLATINUM KN/170801/000577 639 PR/ slv concretes PRAGATHI AMBER KN/170801/000629 715 PR/ Innerspaces properties pvt ltd Orchard in bloom KN/170801/000644 680 PR/ Shankeshwar Landmark LLP Svamitva Emerald Square S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170801/000667 430 PR/ sai projects and developers Vrushabadri Towers KN/170801/000677 648 PR/ ARK Infra developers Pvt Ltd Ark Cloud City Phase I KN/170801/000697 743 PR/ PRISTINE HOMES PRISTINE MEADOWS KN/170801/000780 840 PR/ Vista Spaces LLP Vista 450 KN/170801/000794 735 PR/ EMINENCE HOMES AND SPACES Eminence Gardenia KN/170801/000811 851 PR/ ARNASHELTERS arna meadows KN/170801/000826 741 PR/ Saptagiri Developers & Co saptagiri sannidhi KN/170801/000835 578 PR/ ANURAAG CONSTRUCTIONS ANURAAG ABODE KN/170801/000840 628 PR/ Westline Builders Pvt Ltd Westline Signature KN/170801/000845 792 PR/ ARK Infra Developers PVT Ltd ARK Cloud City Phase-2 KN/170801/000852 802 PR/ KALBURGI PROJECTS KALBURGI BINDU PARK KN/170801/000869 510 PR/ TRENDZ HOUSING LLP Whispering Woods KN/170801/000871 823 PR/ kruthi developers SAI CAMBRIDGE RESIDENCY KN/170801/000878 891 PR/ Vista Mere Vista Tribute KN/170801/000894 903 PR/ MILESTONE BUILDERS Milestone Grand KN/170801/000895 774 PR/ Monarch Monarch Aqua - Block C KN/170801/000901 909 PR/ Chitrakut Estates Private Limited Legacy Saviero KN/170801/000906 908 PR/ SUBHA Builders and Developers SUBHA 9 SKY VUE KN/170801/000908 911 PR/ Banashree Shelters Pvt Ltd BANASHREE ARKA FOREST VIEW - VIJAYA WING KN/170801/000909 916 PR/ Esteem Emblem Esteem Emblem KN/170801/000912 917 PR/ Pruthvi Developers SURYANAGARA KN/170801/000913 809 PR/ VALMARK DEVELOPERS PVT LTD Cityville Valmark KN/170801/000914 915 PR/ SUBHA ESSENCE SUBHA ESSENCE KN/170801/000915 919 PR/ M/s. M C BUILDERS M C SAROVAR ANNEX KN/170801/000924 780 PR/ Nandi Housing Private Limited Nandi Citadel KN/170801/000925 923 PR/ Marian Projects Pvt Ltd Marian Aspire KN/170801/000935 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 860 PR/ M/s.CHAITHANYA PROJECTS (P) Chaithanya SAMARTH KN/170801/000936 LTD., 861 PR/ Jay Enterprises Sukhsagar City KN/170801/000939 864 PR/ Nitesh Estates Limited Nitesh Knightsbridge KN/170801/000942 922 PR/ SHELTER HOUSING SERVICES PVT ROTSON SOLITAIRE KN/170801/000946 LTD 869 PR/ Antevorta Developers Private Glengate KN/170801/000952 Limited 870 PR/ M/s.Shri Balaji Builders Shri Balaji Ocean KN/170801/000953 865 PR/ Hi Life Ventures Pvt ltd Hi Life RIO KN/170801/000956 873 PR/ Antevorta Developers Private Glenclassic KN/170801/000958 Limited 441 PR/ M/s. Dhammanagi Developerss Pvt Dhammanagi Florence KN/170801/000960 Ltd 874 PR/ CASA GRANDE PVT LTD Casa Grande Luxus KN/170801/000970 875 PR/ Suadela Constructions Private Queens Gate Block 4 KN/170801/000971 limited 876 PR/ Asset Whitefled homes private Asset Marq KN/170801/000973 limited 883 PR/ PUJITHA HOMES PUJITHA ORCHID KN/170801/000975 880 PR/ CASA GRANDE GARDEN CITY Casa Grande Neona KN/170801/000978 BUILDERS PVT LTD 417 PR/ Matha Developers pvt Ltd Matha Residency KN/170802/000348 255 PR/ LINEA PROPERTIES LINEA SUNFLOWER KN/170802/000574 598 PR/ Cynosure Home Cynosure Whitespaces KN/170802/000584 633 PR/ SUGUNA BUILDERS AND SUGUNA UPPER CREST KN/170802/000594 DEVELOPERS 720 PR/ ELITE ESTATES ELITE CANTERBURY KN/170802/000653 691 PR/ SHAMBHAVI KARKALA SHREE SUDHEENDRA RESIDENCY KN/170802/000715 814 PR/ Shri Saideep Estates Saideep Hulas KN/170802/000774 791 PR/ GREEN MANSHION BUILDERS Prime Manshion KN/170802/000870 914 PR/ Celebrity Structures India Pvt Ltd Celebrity Shelters KN/170802/000916 381 PR/ H. N. Vijaya Raghava Reddy & Co. VRR Fortuna KN/170802/000931 866 PR/ CORPORATE LEISURE AND ARCADIA KN/170802/000948 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTS PVT LTD 868 PR/ AJAGONDANAHALLI HOMES LLP Bhuvana Nivaath KN/170802/000954 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 877 PR/ APN INFRABUILD LUXUR ENCLAVE C Block KN/170802/000965 878 PR/ NORTHERNSKY PROPERTIES PVT NORTHERNSKY CITY B block KN/170802/000979 LTD 879 PR/ APG Intelli Homes Private Limited 63 Degree East - Tower C & D KN/170802/000980 959 PR/ CITRUS INFRASTRUCTURE BELMONT KN/170802/000988 PRIVATE LIMITED 837 PR/ LVS Builders and Developers LVS GARDENIA Phase-2 KN/170802/000989 859 PR/ A PEACE PROJECTS LLP PEACE RHYTHM KN/170802/000992 960 PR/ ADI DEVELOPERS ADI S NORTH LAKE KN/170802/000993 619 PR/ Ruchira Projects private limited Ruchira Lilium KN/170802/000996 867 PR/ Oceanus Dwellings (P) Ltd Oceanus Tranquil KN/170802/000997 953 PR/ NORTHERNSKY PROPERTIES PVT NORTHERNSKY PALMSTREAK KN/170802/001003 LTD 975 PR/ ACE DEVELOPERS ACE FELMAG KN/170802/001005 974 PR/ M RAMACHANDRA LINK ORNATE KN/170802/001009 972 PR/ Matha Developers Pvt Ltd Sai Matha Garden KN/170802/001011 968 PR/ Matha Develoeprs Pvt Ltd Matha Residency KN/170802/001016 969 PR/ SHRIPROP BUILDERS PRIVATE SHRIRAM LUXOR KN/170802/001017 LIMITED 884 PR/ UNICCA EMPORIS PRIVATE UNICCA EMPORIS KN/170802/001020 LIMITED 140 PR/ Windsor Edifces Private Limited WINDSOR TROIKA KN/170802/001023 966 PR/ Oceanus Dwellings Pvt Ltd Oceanus Classic KN/170802/001027 967 PR/ NORTHERNSKY PROPERTIES PVT NORTHERNSKY WESTVALLEY KN/170802/001029 LTD 936 PR/ Mehi Developers Aarushi Residency - The Rising Sun KN/170802/001036 935 PR/ MVS Developers MVS Paradise KN/170802/001037 963 PR/ SS INFRASTRUCTURES SS CARONA KN/170802/001038 37 PR/ APN INFRABUILD LUXUR ENCLAVE A BLOCK KN/170803/000050 247 PR/ Indian Estate INDIAN ESTATE CRYSTAL CITY KN/170803/000167 629 PR/ M K INFRAHOLDINGS PRIVATE SUNPURE HOMES KN/170803/000557 LIMITED 827 PR/ Aryav Constructions Aryav Crosswinds KN/170803/000792 546 PR/ Tree of Life Dwellings LLP Chick Cottage Residences S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170803/000803 913 PR/ M/s. SHRAVANEE ASSOCIATES SHRAVANEE DWARAKA KN/170803/000907 858 PR/ Vijay Mehta Spectra City KN/170803/000930 65 PR/ ARATT GRAND TOWN ARATT GRAND TOWN KN/170803/000932 667 PR/ sipani properties pvt ltd sipani bliss KN/170803/000947 420 PR/ NEERAJA DEVELOPERS AND NEERAJA SAROVAR KN/170803/000957 PROMOTERS 871 PR/ CHOWRIAPPA CONSTRUCTIONS CHOWRIAPPA CONSTELLATION KN/170803/001022 PVT. LTD. 970 PR/ M/s. Dhammanagi Developerss Pvt Dhammanagi Zeus KN/170803/001025 Ltd 33 PR/ SAF CONSTRUCTION AND SAF SNOWDROPS ANNEX BLOCK D KN/170803/001028 PROJECTS PVT. LTD. 937 PR/ RM INFRA PREETHI WOODS KN/170803/001033 958 PR/ Vestaa VESTAA LUSHES KN/170803/001034 934 PR/ Kritan Urbane Living Kritan Ira KN/170803/001046 930 PR/ DeFINER VENTURES DeFINER KINGDOM 2 KN/170803/001050 688 PR/ Vishnu Priya Group of builders and Parimala Skyview KN/170803/001051 Developers 929 PR/ M/s Prajwal Promoters Private CK ADIITHYA KN/170803/001055 Limited 928 PR/ Suresh Enterprises Pvt.Ltd Akshay Pearl KN/170803/001056 706 PR/ SKAV DEVELOPERS PVT LTD SKAV BLISS KN/170803/001059 926 PR/ M/s. Dhammnagi Developerss Pvt Garden Terraces KN/170803/001063 Ltd 952 PR/ Suresh Enterprises Pvt.Ltd Akshay Town Tarihal Sector A KN/170803/001064 948 PR/ M1 PROPERTIES M1 PROPERTIES TERRA ALEGRIA KN/170803/001069 951 PR/ NIDHI LAND INFRASTRUCTURE SAFAL HOMES KN/170803/001071 DEVELOPERS PVT LTD 950 PR/ GANESH M P GUARDIAN GIOVANNI KN/170803/001072 946 PR/ WINDSOR GARDENS PRIVATE WINDSOR AMULYAM KN/170803/001075 LIMITED 326 PR/ SIGNATURE DWELLINGS PRIVATE SIGNATURE CLASSIC KN/170804/000239 LIMITED 624 PR/ A ONE SHELTERS PRIVATE OHANA KN/170804/000634 LIMITED 669 PR/ R S Murthy R S Murthy Layout KN/170804/000763 904 PR/ SK STRUCTURES LLP SK Daisy KN/170804/000905 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 957 PR/ Sanjivkumar SAISH REGENCY KN/170804/000999 973 PR/ Michigan Commerce Pvt Ltd Michigan Yashoda KN/170804/001012 964 PR/ Mahaveer Mehta Shantiniketan Park P-2 KN/170804/001024 962 PR/ Kansa Properties LLP CANSA DHIYA KN/170804/001031 977 PR/ PATIL PLANET DEVELOPERS LLP PATIL PLANET KN/170804/001043 689 PR/ Altius Realcon Development India Altius Ardour KN/170804/001048 Private Limited 933 PR/ Arattukulam Developers LLP Aratt Milano KN/170804/001060 971 PR/ Navya Builders and Developers NAVYA NISARGA KN/170804/001068 944 PR/ Suresh Enterprises Pvt.Ltd Akshay Town Yerikoppa KN/170804/001076 945 PR/ VAISHNO PROJECTS SILVER BELLS KN/170804/001077 728 PR/ G R PROMOTERS G R LOTUS KN/170804/001079 943 PR/ MYHNA PROPERTIES PRIVATE MYHNA MAPLE KN/170804/001080 LIMITED 949 PR/ SHREE MAHESHWARA SMD ALTEZZ KN/170804/001082 DEVELOPERS 942 PR/ HOSKOTE NEO HOMES LIMITED Emprasa Startup City - Residential KN/170804/001084 947 PR/ SHRIVISION HOMES PRIVATE SHRIRAM CHIRPING WOODS KN/170804/001085 LIMITED 918 PR/ K Shrinath Hebbar Insignia KN/170804/001090 941 PR/ IMRAN SHERIEF PANCHAVATI VILLAS KN/170804/001092 921 PR/ Shrinath Hebbar Lenhill Ferns KN/170804/001095 1011 PR/ K. Shrinath Hebbar Milestone-25 KN/170804/001112 1017 PR/ NANDI DEVELOPERS NANDI FOREST VIEW KN/170804/001113 1013 PR/ HI POINT CONSTRUCTIONS PVT HI POINT-ELITE KN/170804/001114 LTD 1014 PR/ Roy Constructions Cyvali Graden KN/170804/001115 1027 PR/ K. Shrinath Hebbar Emerald Bay KN/170804/001117 1020 PR/ CHOWRIAPPA CONSTRUCTIONS CHOWRIAPPA INFINITY KN/170804/001120 PVT. LTD. 1028 PR/ SHRIRAM PROPERTIES PRIVATE SHRIRAM SUMMITT KN/170804/001121 LIMITED 1029 PR/ SHRIRAM PROPERTIES PRIVATE SHRIRAM SAMEEKSHA KN/170804/001126 LIMITED 862 PR/ M/s.Eagleburg India Pvt. Ltd Eagleburg Enclave S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170805/000966 976 PR/ Dhiraan Infrsdtructure Pvt .Ltd Dhiraan Newyork Meadows KN/170805/001006 927 PR/ AJAY C. PUJAR SAMRUDDHI HAPPY HOMZ KN/170805/001073 939 PR/ SHETTY-PATIL DEVELOPERS LLP MY HOME KN/170805/001097 1030 PR/ ESS & ESS Infrastructure Private Shreesha Hill View Layout Phase 1 KN/170805/001128 Limited 1012 PR/ sipani properties pvt ltd sipani jardin KN/170805/001129 1015 PR/ SMR BUILDERS PRIVATE LIMITED SMR VINAY ESTELLA KN/170805/001130 1032 PR/ SOWPARNIKA PROJECTS AND SOWPARNIKA PURPLE ROSE KN/170805/001131 INFRASTRUCTURE PVT. LTD. 828 PR/ SUMO PROPERTIES SUMO SONNET KN/170805/001134 1023 PR/ Peninsula Infra Developments Pvt. Peninsula Prakruthi Phase - 2 KN/170805/001135 Ltd., 1031 PR/ Shreno Ltd Urban Forest KN/170805/001137 1024 PR/ SOWPARNIKA PROJECTS AND SOWPARNIKA SANVI PHASE II KN/170805/001139 INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED 961 PR/ Essem18 Developers Private ALAYA KN/170805/001142 Limited 1025 PR/ saf construction and projects pvt saf insignia KN/170805/001145 ltd 1033 PR/ KNS Infrastructure Private Limited KNS KALPA KN/170805/001146 990 PR/ MIMS BUILDERS Pvt Ltd MIMS RESIDENCY KN/170805/001149 989 PR/ SOWPARNIKA PROJECTS AND SOWPARNIKA SWASTIKA PHASE II KN/170805/001150 INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED 999 PR/ SOWPARNIKA PROJECTS AND SOWPARNIKA BLUE BELLS KN/170805/001155 INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED 1022 PR/ OBEL BUILDERS OBEL VILLAS KN/170805/001156 994 PR/ SHRIRAM PROPERTIES PRIVATE SHRIRAM HEBBAL ONE KN/170805/001159 LIMITED 995 PR/ ERROL R PINTO FALNIR TERRACES KN/170805/001160 993 PR/ ARTHA REAL ESTATE Artha Midas NSC KN/170805/001161 CORPORATION LIMITED 997 PR/ DHRITI PROPERTIES SKAND AVANI C99 KN/170805/001162 988 PR/ ESS & ESS Infrastructure Private SHREESHA HILL VIEW LAYOUT PHASE 2 KN/170806/001168 Limited 982 PR/ ESS & ESS Infrastructure Private Shreesha Hill View Layout Phase 3 KN/170806/001169 Limited 696 PR/ Smile Associates Sunny Verano S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170807/000703 872 PR/ Green Valleys Shelters (P) Ltd GVSPL GARDENS KN/170807/000974 435 PR/ PARAMOUNT CONSTRUCTION PARAMOUNT SIDDHARTHA KN/170807/001061 COMPANY 1018 PR/ BASANT CITY CENTRE MALLS BASANT HIRLAKH MALL KN/170807/001122 PVT. LTD 991 PR/ MAXWORTH REALTY INDIA MAX MADHURA KN/170807/001152 LIMITED 983 PR/ Balasubramanyam P. Shreesha Hill View Layout Phase 4 KN/170807/001163 984 PR/ GCN PROJECTS PRIVATE LIMITED GCN BRINDAVAN KN/170807/001164 996 PR/ Peninsula Infra Developments Pvt. Peninsula Solitaire KN/170807/001173 Ltd., 985 PR/ Vista Spaces Estates LLP Vista Vera KN/170807/001174 1008 PR/ Vista Spaces Estates LLP Vista Highland KN/170807/001184 956 PR/ Hilltop Arcade Residency Silver Oak Residences KN/170807/001186 1010 PR/ North East Properties North East Blossom Phase 3 KN/170807/001188 1007 PR/ MAJESTIC PROPERTY MAJESTIC FORTUNE KN/170807/001189 DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED 856 PR/ SAI AASHA DEVELOPERS SAINATH ROYAL PARK KN/170808/000832 931 PR/ Vasathi Housing Ltd VASATHI AVANTE KN/170808/001088 1021 PR/ SHRIYA PROPERTIES SHRIYA SOLITAIRE KN/170808/001140 998 PR/ SURAJ ALAVANDI SHRIYA ELITE KN/170808/001158 981 PR/ Suvidha Realtors And Suvidha Indraprastha Phase I KN/170808/001165 Constructions Private Limited 980 PR/ Suvidha Realtors And Suvidha Indraprastha Phase II KN/170808/001167 Constructions Pvt.Ltd 1006 PR/ PVR Properties Whistling Woods KN/170808/001176 992 PR/ SLV INFRASTRUCTURES SLV CENTRAL PARK KN/170808/001181 1019 PR/ Gitanjali Developers Gitanjali Aristocracy KN/170808/001194 925 PR/ MANGALORE INTERNET CITY Mangalore Hills KN/170808/001198 717 PR/ PYRAMID HOMES PRIVATE PYRAMID BILBERRY KN/170808/001199 LIMITED 1000 PR/ MAA BHOOMI DEVELOPERS MAA NIVASAM KN/170808/001200 1003 PR/ SRINIVASA.T SRIRAMPURA 2ND STAGE KN/170808/001211 1002 PR/ SHRIVISION TOWERS PRIVATE SHRIRAM GREEN FIELD PHASE 1 KN/170808/001213 LIMITED S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 1075 PR/ RNS Infrastructure Ltd RNS Shrinikethan KN/170808/001215 965 PR/ sai kalyan builders and developers ULTIMA KN/170808/001218 private limited 775 PR/ VIJETHA VENTURES VIJETHA ENCLAVE KN/170809/000928 658 PR/ WHITE LOTUS SMART HOMES LLP WHITE LOTUS TAMARA KN/170809/001039 863 PR/ Bharat And Bharath Properties Pearl Peridot KN/170809/001087 1076 PR/ Realwealth Houses Private Limited SOUTHSCAPES RESIDENTIAL LAYOUT KN/170809/001214 708 PR/ Damden Properties Damden Vivo KN/170809/001217 1077 PR/ GARUDA DEVELOPERS PVT LTD SKAV ASSTHA KN/170809/001221 1071 PR/ ARATT CITYSCAPES PROJECT LLP ARATT CITYSCAPES KN/170809/001233 548 PR/ ROCKLINES HOUSING ROCKLINES SEETHALAKSHMI KN/170809/001236 DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD 987 PR/ DHRITI PROPERTIES SKANDA AVANI C99 KN/170809/001237 1070 PR/ s2 homes AVANTIKAA KN/170809/001239 584 PR/ MJR BUILDERS PRIVATE LIMITED MJR Clique - Hydra KN/170810/000684 375 PR/ Vishwam Projects Vishwam Projects KN/170810/001047 932 PR/ Global Constructions Co. Global Riva KN/170810/001062 1078 PR/ SHRIVISION TOWERS PRIVATE SHRIRAM GREEN FIELD PHASE 2 KN/170810/001220 LIMITED 940 PR/ Dr. K. Balaraman KRSNA LABURNUM KN/170810/001226 1072 PR/ GARUDA ROYAL HOMES Garuda Royal Homes KN/170810/001234 1068 PR/ ADITHYA CONSTRUCTIONS ADITHYA ESQUINA KN/170810/001241 1066 PR/ RAJA HOUSING LIMITED RAJA RITZ AVENUE - PHASE 1 KN/170810/001242 1063 PR/ ARCHANA NAVYA PROJECTS ARCHANA CLASSIC KN/170810/001245 1073 PR/ MJR BUILDERS PVT LTD MJR CLIQUE HERCULES KN/170810/001249 1069 PR/ FRONTIER SHELTERS PVT LTD FRONTIER HEIGHTS KN/170810/001250 711 PR/ Dr Jerry Vincent Dias Mandavi Royal Prince KN/170811/000688 955 PR/ Gopalan Enterprises Gopalan Olympia KN/170811/000986 1026 PR/ SJR PRIME CORPORATION PVT Vogue KN/170811/001157 LTD 978 PR/ M/s. Suvidha Realtors And Matoshree Lifestyle Mall S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170811/001170 Constructions Private Limited 979 PR/ M/s.SUVIDHA REALTORS AND MAADHAVA TOWERS KN/170811/001171 CONSTRUCTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED 986 PR/ SJR PRIMECORPORATION PVT LTD SJR PRIMECORPORATION PVT LTD Pala acity KN/170811/001195 1005 PR/ SJR Prime Corporation Private Blue Waters Phase 1 KN/170811/001196 Limited 1074 PR/ Shankeshwar Landmarks Sylvia City KN/170811/001216 1004 PR/ kalyani infrastructures AISHANI APARTMENT KN/170811/001243 1057 PR/ Prince Developers Sai Ram Arcade KN/170811/001258 1054 PR/ RAJA HOUSING LIMITED RAJA WOODS PARKK KN/170811/001262 1062 PR/ GOPALAN ENTERPRISES GOPALAN LAKEFRONT KN/170812/001274 1060 PR/ Upkar Developers KHB M/S UPKAR DEVELOPERS KN/170812/001285 954 PR/ SS BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS ss sharddha KN/170814/001002 1059 PR/ Mahalakshmi Builders And Mahalakshmi Misty Meadows KN/170814/001281 Developers 1039 PR/ M/s.Gulam Mustafa Enterprises GM GLOBAL TECHIES TOWN TOWER C KN/170814/001289 Pvt Ltd 1042 PR/ Shankeshwar Associates JKC SONATA CITY KN/170814/001293 1034 PR/ EARTHEN HUES AND ESTATES SONG OF TERRA KN/170814/001298 PRIVATE LIMITED 1036 PR/ Srimitra Properties Srimitra Life Style KN/170814/001301 1038 PR/ UPSCALE HOMES PVT.LTD. The Ripple KN/170814/001303 1041 PR/ M/s.Gulam Mustafa Enterprises GM GLOBAL TECHIES TOWN TOWER- A KN/170815/001304 Pvt Ltd 1050 PR/ Shell Promoters and Infra Pvt Ltd Shell NorthGate KN/170815/001305 1009 PR/ Samruddhi Realty Ltd Samruddhi Rhythm KN/170816/001260 1055 PR/ MRG Constructions Pvt. Ltd. shambhavi residency KN/170816/001282 1040 PR/ SRS ENTERPRISES MSR SHANTHINIKETHAN KN/170816/001286 1046 PR/ Prospect Group Princeton KN/170816/001307 1037 PR/ SAAI PRITHVI PROPERTIES R&S Koncept Lakeview KN/170816/001319 1127 PR/ Triguna Projects Private Limited Triguna Palm Grove KN/170816/001320 938 PR/ KIRAN L RATHOD RATHOD VATIKA KN/170817/001147 1122 PR/ TANMATHRA VENTURES TANMATHRA MEADOWS S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170817/001314 1125 PR/ Vinyaas Project Private Limited Vinyaas Virtue KN/170817/001316 1048 PR/ Oceanus Dwellings Pvt Ltd Oceanus Vista II KN/170817/001322 1110 PR/ Oceanus Dwellings Pvt Ltd Oceanus Vista II T7 KN/170817/001332 1045 PR/ Hosmath Infrastructure NAVEEN RESIDENCY KN/170817/001334 1065 PR/ sidvin developers Sidvin Grace KN/170818/001277 1058 PR/ Vishnu Developers woodstock KN/170818/001283 1112 PR/ Global Associates HM Indigo 4.0(Peach-Phase II of HM World City) KN/170818/001329 1114 PR/ ND DEVELOPERS PVT LTD ND AROUND THE MANGOES KN/170818/001346 1097 PR/ Global Associates HM Indigo 3.0(Lavender-Phase II of HM World KN/170818/001354 City) 1115 PR/ Scube projects S Cube Residency KN/170819/001309 1119 PR/ R PRATAP KUMAR REDDY Samhita Elite KN/170819/001313 1120 PR/ Dr Jerry Vincent Dias Mandavi Acropolis Tower-E KN/170819/001349 1100 PR/ KARSTEN HOMES PVT LTD PALM GROVES KN/170819/001362 1104 PR/ NCC URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE NCC URBAN MISTY WOODS KN/170819/001369 LTD 1105 PR/ NCC URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE NCC URBAN GREEN PROVINCE KN/170819/001370 LTD 1080 PR/ UPKAR DEVELOPERS UPKAR HABITAT KN/170819/001374 1079 PR/ KARSTEN HOMES PVT LTD PALM GROVES KN/170819/001376 1082 PR/ KARSTEN HOMES PVT LTD PALM GROVES KN/170819/001377 1081 PR/ KARSTEN HOMES PVT LTD PALM GROVES KN/170819/001380 1061 PR/ Aryan Hometec Pvt Ltd ARYAN GOLDEN ARENA KN/170820/001288 1106 PR/ OMSHRI INFRASTRUCTURES OMSHRI OPULENCE KN/170820/001372 1109 PR/ ELV BUILDERS ELV MARVEL KN/170820/001384 1113 PR/ NVT QUALITY LIFESTYLE NVT ARCOT VAKSANA KN/170821/001343 PROJECT PRIVATE LIMITED 1111 PR/ SLV BUILDERS SKYHOUSES KN/170821/001361 1101 PR/ BASAVARAJ MALLIKARAJUN SAI PRITHVI ELITE KN/170821/001379 YERAGAL 1085 PR/ S &S INFRATECH BASAVA PRIDE KN/170821/001381 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 1083 PR/ LALIT DEVELOPERS LALIT RESIDENCY KN/170821/001388 1108 PR/ Redbricks Dwellings & Infraprojects Redbrick Village Phase 3 WING B KN/170821/001389 Pvt Ltd 1087 PR/ Shashi Kumar T N NIRVANA NAGAR KN/170821/001391 1088 PR/ Lions Estate Properties AGOCHS LTD KN/170821/001394 1187 PR/ WHITESTONE PROJECTS WHITESTONE MILANO KN/170821/001407 1084 PR/ ARYAN HOMETEC PVT LTD ARYAN GOLDEN ARENA - B KN/170822/001382 1190 PR/ DS MAX PROPERTIES PVT LTD DS MAX SONATA KN/170822/001403 1185 PR/ SAI SRAVANTHI INFRA PROJECTS Pavani Divine KN/170822/001412 PVT. LTD., 1181 PR/ Coastal Karnataka Developers Evanna Homes KN/170822/001421 1171 PR/ ARYAN HOMETEC PVT LTD ARYAN GOLDEN ARENA - C KN/170822/001438 1001 PR/ DESAI DEVELOPERS DESAI RADIANT KN/170823/001190 1064 PR/ Vakil Housing Development Vakil Magnolia KN/170823/001257 Corporation Private Limited 1035 PR/ Prisha Properties India Private Orchids KN/170823/001300 Limited 1099 PR/ Hamilton Project LLP Hamilton Homes KN/170823/001360 1103 PR/ M/s DESIGNER HOMES XAVIER PLAZA KN/170823/001364 1192 PR/ ASHA INFRA DEVELOPERS RATHNA KN/170823/001404 1056 PR/ KBR Homes (India) Pvt. Ltd KBR Elite KN/170823/001417 1107 PR/ G K SHELTERS PRIVATE LIMITED GK TROPICAL SPRING KN/170823/001418 1123 PR/ Lathish Suvarna Shakthi Empire KN/170823/001420 1177 PR/ HIREN WAHEN BUILDTECH HIGHCLIFF KN/170823/001436 1173 PR/ Taapasi Projects Taapasi Summerbay KN/170823/001442 1168 PR/ TRIGUNA PROJECTS PRIVATE Triguna Ashwatha KN/170823/001449 LIMITED 1164 PR/ Vijaya Bhaskara Constructions ORACLE RIDGE KN/170823/001454 1121 PR/ Ramky Estates and Farms Limited RAMKY ONE NORTH PHASE-4 KN/170823/001459 1161 PR/ VASTAVA Vastava Anugraha KN/170823/001463 1155 PR/ Parkway Homes LLP Parkway Homes PH-II KN/170823/001471 1154 PR/ Hamilton Projects LLP Hamilton Homes Ph-II S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170823/001473 1159 PR/ OPERA HOMES OPERA SPRINGLEAF KN/170823/001474 1188 PR/ ANIL KUMAR M J Lifestyle - Astro KN/170824/001426 1090 PR/ Redbricks Dwellings & Infraprojects REDBRICKS PALM HILLS BLOCK A KN/170824/001428 Pvt Ltd 1067 PR/ K V SATISH DS MAX STAR NEST KN/170824/001429 1182 PR/ SREE PVR DEVELOPERS PVR Mithra KN/170824/001435 1176 PR/ KALBURGI HOMES KALBURGI PRISTINE KN/170824/001437 1172 PR/ ARYAN HOMETEC PVT LTD ARYAN GOLDEN ARENA - E KN/170824/001439 1086 PR/ MSR INFRAA RR SIGNATURE KN/170824/001441 1165 PR/ NAKSHA PROJECT PVT LTD NAKSHA HYDEPARK KN/170824/001461 1160 PR/ Keerthi Estates Pvt Ltd Keerthi Splendour KN/170824/001465 1157 PR/ AANJANEYA DEVELOPERS KAMAL S LAKSH RESIDENCY KN/170824/001472 1153 PR/ RAMKY ESTATES AND FARMS LTD RAMKY ONE NORTH PHASE-3 KN/170824/001475 1156 PR/ M/s.Gulam Mustafa Enterprises GM ELEGANCE TOWER-1 (E-12) KN/170824/001476 Pvt Ltd 1169 PR/ DS MAX PROPERTIES PVT LTD DS MAX STARRY KN/170824/001477 1118 PR/ Sandeep Sankhya Heights Wing B KN/170824/001480 1158 PR/ Radiant Properties Radiant silver oak KN/170824/001485 1149 PR/ CHAMUNDI BUILDERS CHAMUNDI AMBERWOODS KN/170824/001486 1151 PR/ KARNATAKA HOUSING BOARD CHS KENCHALAGUDU KN/170824/001487 1146 PR/ Lathish Suvarna Shakthi Suncity KN/170824/001490 1148 PR/ Saritha Developers Saritha Elan KN/170824/001496 1141 PR/ Coastal Karnataka Developers Nandagokul KN/170824/001497 1140 PR/ Nakshatra Ventures NAKSHATRA-MORGANITE KN/170824/001499 1142 PR/ Sovereign Builders Sovereign Santhinivasa KN/170824/001500 1134 PR/ Uniidus Projects UNIIDUS BREEZE KN/170824/001503 1136 PR/ SAROJ DEVELOPERS SAROJ HARMONY KN/170824/001506 1135 PR/ ARYAN HOMETEC PVT LTD ARYAN GOLDEN ARENA - F KN/170824/001508 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 1139 PR/ LAND LINKS HOUSING LAND LINKS GREEN PARK 2 KN/170824/001514 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1150 PR/ T U BALAN BIJITH KRUPA KN/170825/001482 1128 PR/ GREEN EARTH VENTURES GREEN EARTH ATRIUM KN/170825/001516 1130 PR/ keya homes pvt ltd The green terraces KN/170825/001517 1132 PR/ Shri sai Builders JINGLE HEIGHTS KN/170825/001519 1096 PR/ SUKRITHA BUILDMANN PVT LTD Buildmann Aaroha - 2 KN/170826/001371 1162 PR/ M J INFRASTRUCTURE & M J Lifestyle - Avershine KN/170826/001455 BUILDERS INDIA PVT LTD 1166 PR/ GREENFIELD LIFEPARK GREENFIELD MEADOWS KN/170826/001457 1152 PR/ BONITAS DEVELOPERS & BONITAS CANDOR KN/170826/001509 BUILDESR 1137 PR/ Concept City Developers Midas Park II Midas Exotica KN/170826/001511 1253 PR/ ELEGANT BUILDERS AND ELEGANT WHISPERING WINDS KN/170826/001523 DEVELOPERS 1189 PR/ KADAM GROUP ROYAL CYPRESS KN/170828/001408 1093 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Palm Springs Phase 17 KN/170828/001452 Wing 54 1163 PR/ SUKRITHA BUILDMANN PVT LTD Buildmann Aaroha - 1 (Block 2) KN/170828/001453 1183 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha Dream Acres - Tropical Greens Phase 18 KN/170828/001467 Wing 39 and 40 1144 PR/ riddhi siddhi ventures ISHA ELEGANZA KN/170828/001502 1129 PR/ ARYAN HOMETEC PVT LTD ARYAN FOUNTAIN SQUARE KN/170828/001515 1255 PR/ Namma Mane Housing LLP Nivasa KN/170828/001528 1248 PR/ Keerthi Estates Pvt Ltd Keerthi Regalia KN/170828/001529 1251 PR/ Lathish Suvarna Shakthi Arcade KN/170828/001536 1249 PR/ Lathish Suvarna Shakthi Saanvi Pla a KN/170828/001539 1240 PR/ Woodshire Developers LLP woodshire emerson park KN/170828/001543 1239 PR/ SKYGOLD PROPERTIES PVT LTD SKYGOLD ELEGANCE KN/170828/001545 1241 PR/ mc baldota Baldota sernity KN/170828/001549 1098 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Sree Sapthamathruka Layout Phase 2 KN/170829/001355 PRIVATE LIMITED 1102 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Sree Sapthamathruka Layout Phase 3 KN/170829/001363 PRIVATE LIMITED 1184 PR/ Samruddhi Realty Ltd Samruddhi Sunshine S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170829/001415 1175 PR/ Yashmu Projects Eternity Aspire KN/170829/001483 1147 PR/ NITESH ESTATES LIMITED Nitesh Madison Square KN/170829/001493 1143 PR/ MSK SHELTERS MSK - NANDI PARADISE KN/170829/001504 1138 PR/ GAYATRI CONSTRCUTION GAYATRI PURAM KN/170829/001510 COMPANY 1254 PR/ DS MAX PROPERTIES PVT LTD DS MAX SKY CLASSIC KN/170829/001520 1145 PR/ Manito Northlite MANITO NORTHLITE KN/170829/001524 1256 PR/ SAKTI BUILDERS STATESMAN KN/170829/001527 1246 PR/ MALPE MANIPAL BUILDERS ROYAL EMBASSY KN/170829/001531 PRIVATE LIMITED 1238 PR/ EDGAR BRITTO 32 RICHMOND KN/170829/001550 1229 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Stavya Layout KN/170829/001554 PRIVATE LIMITED 1242 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Krisha Layout KN/170829/001556 PRIVATE LIMITED 1228 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Sourish Layout KN/170829/001557 PRIVATE LIMITED 1233 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Dhathre Layout KN/170829/001558 PRIVATE LIMITED 1234 PR/ TGR Projects India Pvt Ltd Ankshu Ecstasy KN/170829/001562 1220 PR/ B Mahesh Nandi Enclave KN/170829/001563 1236 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Sree Sapthamathruka Layout Phase 1 KN/170829/001565 PRIVATE LIMITED 1221 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Sree Sapthamathruka Layout Phase 4 KN/170829/001569 PRIVATE LIMITED 1259 PR/ yamini builders and developers AMAR GANGA KN/170829/001570 1223 PR/ Narmada Developers Sri Heights KN/170829/001577 1226 PR/ Samruddhi Realty Limited Samruddhi Winter Green KN/170829/001578 1214 PR/ MANAR DEVELOPERS PRIVATE MANAR Pure Earth KN/170829/001584 LIMITED 1215 PR/ ASIT MAVJIBHAI LAKUM SEASONS AVENUE KN/170829/001585 1218 PR/ Golden Home Shelters Pvt. Ltd. GOLDEN HEIGHTS KN/170829/001586 1051 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Anandhasagara Layout Phase 5 KN/170830/001390 PRIVATE LIMITED 1047 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Paramanandhasagara & Sukhanandhasagara KN/170830/001395 PRIVATE LIMITED Layout Phase 1 1091 PR/ GOLDEN GATE PROPERTIES LTD Golden Serenity KN/170830/001396 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 1116 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Paramanandhasagara Layout Phase 2 KN/170830/001397 PRIVATE LIMITED 1117 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Paramanandhasagara Layout Phase 3 KN/170830/001399 PRIVATE LIMITED 1094 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Paramanandhasagara Layout Phase 1/A KN/170830/001401 PRIVATE LIMITED 1053 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Nithyanandhasagara Layout Phase 1 KN/170830/001416 PRIVATE LIMITED 1052 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Nithyanandhasagara Layout Phase 2 KN/170830/001419 PRIVATE LIMITED 1044 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Nithyanandhasagara Layout Phase 3 KN/170830/001422 PRIVATE LIMITED 1178 PR/ Vasushyam ventures River Oaks KN/170830/001431 1049 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Anandhasagara Layout Phase 4 KN/170830/001433 PRIVATE LIMITED 1170 PR/ SRUTHIKA BUILDERS & Sruthika Springfelds KN/170830/001505 DEVELOPERS 1133 PR/ Vivanta Builders Siddha Ganga Extension KN/170830/001507 1131 PR/ SPAS Infrastructures Private Gardens of Delight KN/170830/001518 limited 1258 PR/ Shivparvati Constructions THE ORCHARD KN/170830/001530 1245 PR/ ADISESH PROJECTS ADISESH PALM TREE KN/170830/001534 1174 PR/ Bhoomi Groups Bhoomi s Samruddhi KN/170830/001547 1243 PR/ Pragna Estates Ashraya KN/170830/001548 1227 PR/ Cubatic Shimul Ventures Private Aloha KN/170830/001552 Limited 1231 PR/ Jupiter Lifespaces Bangalore 7th Commander Avenue KN/170830/001559 Private Limited 1232 PR/ PROPULSIVE PROPERTIES Propulsive Pinnacle KN/170830/001560 1235 PR/ Aprameya Properties Pvt Ltd Aprameya Prasiddhi KN/170830/001566 1222 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Sree Sapthamathruka Layout Phase 1/A KN/170830/001574 PRIVATE LIMITED 1212 PR/ Saudagar Urban Lifestlyes PARK AVENUE KN/170830/001582 1216 PR/ Ponne Builders & Developers Ponne Heritage KN/170830/001583 1179 PR/ EXCEL STONE DEVELOPERS SKY COURT KN/170830/001587 PRIVATE LIMITED 1217 PR/ MC Baldota Baldota Elegant KN/170830/001588 1202 PR/ K V SATISH DS MAX - SPARK NEST KN/170830/001594 1204 PR/ APRANJE ELITE HABITAT APRANJE ELITE GRANDEUR KN/170830/001595 1206 PR/ Keerthi Estates Pvt Ltd Keerthi Surya Sakthi Towers-Block A S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170830/001596 1209 PR/ Keerthi Estates Pvt Ltd Keerthi Royal Palms-Phase-I KN/170830/001598 1208 PR/ MEDHYAM DWELLINGS SERENITY HIGHLAND KN/170830/001599 1211 PR/ Keerthi Estates Pvt Ltd Keerthi Krishna Viva KN/170830/001600 1213 PR/ Paramount Realty and paramount excellencia KN/170830/001601 Infrastructure 1095 PR/ COMFORT MANYA comfort kc das KN/170830/001602 1196 PR/ APRANJE ELITE HABITAT APRANJE ELITE GRANDEUR KN/170830/001603 1194 PR/ MURALIDHAR Vr UNITED HOMES LAYOUT KN/170830/001605 1197 PR/ Eternity Projects Eternity Tathva KN/170830/001608 1193 PR/ TARAN PROJECTS TARAN ENCLAVE KN/170830/001612 1199 PR/ KNS INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE KNS UNNATI PHASE III KN/170830/001613 LIMITED 1198 PR/ SHREEVARIDEVELOPERS NCN SRIVARI KN/170830/001615 1210 PR/ IT Estates Garden Residency KN/170830/001625 77 PR/ APRANJE ESTATES LIMITED APRANJE UPSCALE KN/170830/001629 108 PR/ Mahesh Nandi Bliss KN/170830/001631 79 PR/ Lybiana Infrastructure and Projects Avila KN/170830/001633 83 PR/ N.SURENDRA NAIDU NCN DIMAOND KN/170830/001636 112 PR/ Blue Valley Properties Pvt Ltd SMILEE CELESTIAL KN/170830/001638 116 PR/ Ruhi Habitats and Ventures LLP RUHI SYMPHONY KN/170830/001641 1092 PR/ GR EXCEL PRIME PROPERTIES Nakshatra Township KN/170830/001645 87 PR/ Panchmukhi Infrastrure PANCHMUKHI PARADISE KN/170830/001646 97 PR/ ROYAAL INFRASTRUCTURES VASUNDHARA ENKLEV KN/170830/001647 119 PR/ GOKULRAJ SILVER SPRINGS KN/170830/001648 100 PR/ Coorg Ventures LLP BHOOMI ROW HOUSE VILLA KN/170830/001649 109 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Anandhasagara Layout Phase 1 KN/170830/001651 PRIVATE LIMITED 107 PR/ K V SATISH DS-MAX STONE SCAPE KN/170830/001652 1257 PR/ Grihamithra Constructions GRAND GANDHARVA KN/170830/001657 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 136 PR/ UMA ESTATES AND BUILDERS LLP AUREUS KN/170830/001660 146 PR/ Lewis Infrastructure and Projects Charis KN/170830/001668 80 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Anandhasagara Layout Phase 2 KN/170830/001669 PRIVATE LIMITED 137 PR/ AV6 VENTURES TRAYAM KN/170830/001671 1203 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Venkatadri Layout KN/170830/001677 PRIVATE LIMITED 1205 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Venkatagiri Layout KN/170830/001678 PRIVATE LIMITED 173 PR/ B.M.DEVELOPERS B.M.MAGNOLIA PARK KN/170830/001680 169 PR/ Prakruthi Infra & Shelters India Pvt Prakruthi Akshara KN/170830/001684 Ltd. 85 PR/ RD Buildtech and Developers(Kar) RELIAABLE DOLLAR COLLONY Phase 2B KN/170830/001688 Pvt ltd 1244 PR/ galaxy constructions THE TRILLIUM KN/170830/001693 178 PR/ LIVE-IN VALUE ESTATES PRIVATE VSR REJOICE KN/170830/001694 LIMITED 1124 PR/ Neelgund Developers & Builders Eshan-456 KN/170831/001337 Pvt. Ltd. 1126 PR/ Neelgund Developers & Builders Pride KN/170831/001339 Pvt. Ltd. 1089 PR/ GRAVITY ONE LIVING SPACE PVT VIAANA APARTMENTS KN/170831/001392 LTD 1186 PR/ madhusudhan rao kadam ROYAL OAK WOODS KN/170831/001409 1191 PR/ AASHRAYAA PROJECTS Aashrayaa Eco city KN/170831/001424 1043 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Sree Sapthagiri Layout Phase 2 KN/170831/001425 PRIVATE LIMITED 1167 PR/ SUKRITHA BUILDMANN PVT LTD Buildmann Aaroha - 1 (Block 1) KN/170831/001451 1250 PR/ KARNATAKA HOUSING BOARD SITE AND SERVICES SCHEME AT KADUR TQ KN/170831/001542 CHIKKAMAGALUR DIST 1180 PR/ SHRINIDHI INFRASTRUCTURES RAJKUNJ KN/170831/001564 AND DEVELOPERS 1219 PR/ PCOC Eastland Structures LLP LANAI By PCOC KN/170831/001579 1201 PR/ INNER URBAN INFRAESTATE PVT URBAN SERENITY KN/170831/001592 LTD 89 PR/ SS Builders Sri Sai Essel KN/170831/001614 91 PR/ pristine builders pristine symphony KN/170831/001617 95 PR/ APRANJE ELITE HABITAT APRANJE ELITE TIMES SQUARE KN/170831/001619 88 PR/ Amulya Constructions AMULYA VALAIS KN/170831/001621 75 PR/ M/S SRISHIGRA BUILDERS SHIGRA PALMS S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170831/001624 DEVELOPERS 115 PR/ OXYGEN BUILD VENTURES PVT Hasiru KN/170831/001634 LTD., 90 PR/ AIR FORCE NAVAL HOUSING JAL VAYU TOWERS KN/170831/001637 BOARD 94 PR/ Excel Dwellings Oxigen Pvt Ltd Oxigen Phase 1 KN/170831/001644 96 PR/ Mot kin Ventures Mot kin Park Terrace KN/170831/001659 105 PR/ Marvel Properties Pvt Ltd Marvel Arti a KN/170831/001661 1224 PR/ Shriline properties Pvt.Ltd Shriline Avanti KN/170831/001664 148 PR/ ESS & ESS INFRASTRUCTURE Anandhasagara Layout Phase 3 KN/170831/001672 PRIVATE LIMITED 128 PR/ One World Ventures Uniworld 2 KN/170831/001674 143 PR/ B VEENAVANI SAI SUNSHINE KN/170831/001675 171 PR/ J S ESTATES AND PROJECTS J S CARNATION KN/170831/001679 PRIVATE LIMITED 139 PR/ AASHIRWAD INFRA DEVELOPERS ZORION KN/170831/001683 84 PR/ Gurupriya Housing (P) Ltd Gurupriya Carnation KN/170831/001685 130 PR/ PARIWAR HOUSING PARIWAR PRAGATHI KN/170831/001686 CORPORATION 180 PR/ Eugene Rent Aquamarine KN/170831/001690 175 PR/ CITY DEVELOPERS CITY GREEN VIEW KN/170831/001692 131 PR/ SAVITRI ASHIRVAAD BUILDTECH BALAJI ASHIRVAAD ELITE KN/170831/001697 LIMITED 155 PR/ A. Rama Reddy DOLLAR COLLONY KN/170831/001698 157 PR/ JR CONSTRUCTIONS JR ELEGANCE KN/170831/001699 152 PR/ Shakthi Golden Home Properties Shakthi Kuteera KN/170831/001701 1207 PR/ Saraswati promoters and builders vinayak residency KN/170831/001704 74 PR/ DS MAX PROPERTIES PVT LTD DS MAX SPLENDID KN/170831/001707 9 PR/ Sai Charita Builders Sai Charita Green Oaks Phase II KN/170831/001710 81 PR/ Ganesh Shetty K (Apoorva Akshara Residency KN/170831/001712 Associates) 166 PR/ VIVANTA BUILDERS VARUNA LAYOUT KN/170831/001713 165 PR/ SRI PARVATA BUILDERS PRIVATE WINDERMERE KN/170831/001714 LIMITED 8 PR/ skanda avani properties pvt ltd SKANDA SAGE KN/170831/001717 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 1230 PR/ Adonai Shelters Pvt Ltd Adonai Glory KN/170831/001718 124 PR/ A B IBRAHIM composite housing scheme at various s.n in KN/170831/001719 Raysandra village , Kanakapura taluk, Ramanagara dist 1 PR/ PRISTINE BUILDERS pristine temple bells KN/170831/001725 4 PR/ NSR PROJECTS NSR BREEZE KN/170831/001732 1252 PR/ PNK DEVELOPERS Sri Mahalaxmi Layout KN/170831/001733 5 PR/ Dr. Sunil Bhandurge Shruti Abode KN/170831/001734 25 PR/ SHREE SAINATH CONSTRUCTIONS SAI VIHAR KN/170831/001735 23 PR/ VENKATARAMANA VENTURE venkataramana venture venkatadri hills KN/170831/001736 PROPERTIES LLP 30 PR/ sri srinivasa developers green acres 2 KN/170831/001737 1200 PR/ MSR BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS MSR GANGOTHRI RESIDENCY KN/170831/001738 134 PR/ Mohammed Hussain Malagi SHANTINIKETAN HEIGHTS APARTMENTS KN/170831/001739 99 PR/ ARUN CONSTRUCTIONS Arun Constructions KN/170831/001740 18 PR/ VBC DEVELOPERS ORACLE HEAVEN KN/170831/001741 19 PR/ CELEBRITY PRIME DEVELOPERS Celebrity Prime EcoFront KN/170831/001743 21 PR/ ACE DEVELOPERS ACE DESTINY KN/170831/001744 2 PR/ IT ESTATES Garden Residency - Whitefeld KN/170831/001747 17 PR/ SONA HEIGHTS VISTAAS KN/170831/001748 12 PR/ URBAN ECO SPACE URBAN ECO SPACE KN/170831/001750 1195 PR/ MAYA VENTURES PVT LTD MAYAINDRADHANUSH KN/170831/001752 15 PR/ SUNSHINE ROYAL DEVELOPERS SUNSHINE PALAZZO KN/170831/001753 PRIVATE LIMITED 45 PR/ EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SITE & SERVICE AT CHAMALAPURA KN/170831/001754 16 PR/ ARATT ROLLING WHITES ARATT ROLLING WHITES - PLOTS KN/170831/001755 10 PR/ VADIRAJ ASSOCIATES VAKRATUNDA RESIDENCY KN/170831/001756 41 PR/ Macquin Monteiro Nissi Avenue KN/170831/001761 3 PR/ J SANTOSH KUMAR Hill point 3 KN/170831/001763 43 PR/ ABHEE Developers ABHEE LOTUS KN/170831/001765 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 13 PR/ Pragna Developers Homeland KN/170831/001766 47 PR/ Punnami properties PUNNAMI BLISS KN/170831/001767 44 PR/ Dr Jerry Vincent Dias Mandavi Prince Palace KN/170831/001768 35 PR/ A B Ibrahim proposed construction of residential layout at KN/170831/001769 Kakramanahalli in Bidadi 150 PR/ RAJA HOUSING AND RAJA PRIME GARDEN KN/170831/001770 CONSTRUCTION 6 PR/ MV & VAJRA DEVELOPERS VALUE PLUS KN/170831/001773 24 PR/ Assistant executive engineer Proposed Site and service scheme KN/170831/001780 93 PR/ sk properties sk silvermist KN/170831/001781 32 PR/ V S BUILDERS VIVA MARINA KN/170831/001782 71 PR/ NIRANJAN DEVELOPERS NIRANJAN TRIDHA KN/170831/001783 34 PR/ Karnataka Housing Board Surya Elegance Apartments KN/170831/001786 70 PR/ P. Badarinath SHRIRAM SUMMITT KN/170831/001789 57 PR/ SAHASRA BUILDERS AND SAHASRA GRAND KN/170831/001790 DEVELOPERS 56 PR/ Syed Humayun Khalid S.K. Daffodils KN/170831/001795 53 PR/ Peninsula Infra Developments Pvt. Peninsula Pinewoods Phase - 2 KN/170831/001796 Ltd 28 PR/ Powerhills Constructions private HABITAT KN/170831/001798 limited 69 PR/ Vijayalakshmi Infrastructure Sapthagiri KN/170831/001799 Developers 270 PR/ HMV PROPERTIES PVT LTD Government and Semi Government Employees KN/170831/001800 Layout 7 PR/ SAMPATH KUMAR SHETTY T SPRING DALE KN/170831/001806 49 PR/ SV INFRASTRUCTURE sv meadows KN/170831/001811 281 PR/ DS-MAX PROPERTIES PRIVATE DS MAX SATELLITE KN/170831/001819 LIMITED 52 PR/ SR DEVELOPERS SAI RAM RESIDENCY KN/170831/001823 59 PR/ KARNATAKA HOUSING BOARD KHB LAYOUT AT GULUR KN/170831/001826 283 PR/ joyan lewis nissi vista KN/170831/001827 289 PR/ P. Krishnaiah Chetty SHRIRAM SUMMITT KN/170831/001828 271 PR/ OXYGEN BUILD VENTURES PVT COURTYARD KN/170831/001830 LTD., 273 PR/ Apoorva Builders Akshata palace S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170831/001831 287 PR/ PRAMODAYA ENTERPRISES VIGNEHSWARA LAYOUT PHASE 2 KN/170831/001833 55 PR/ A C Umesh represented by GPA sri vinayaka enclave KN/170831/001834 holder Nagesha v and Shivananjaiah m v and v shashidharan 305 PR/ KRIDAY BUILDERS & PROMOTERS BLOOM RESIDENCY KN/170831/001844 309 PR/ ARUNAPANCHAMI ESTATES CANTERBURRY MEADOWS KN/170831/001845 PRIVATE LIMITED 313 PR/ P.Ramamurthy SHRIRAM SUMMITT KN/170831/001846 302 PR/ HMV PROPERTIES PVT LTD HMV LAYOUT KN/170831/001849 298 PR/ SAI ASHRIVAD CONSTRUCTIONS NATURE S NEST KN/170831/001851 62 PR/ MYTHRIELITE HOMES PVT LTD MYTHRI ARTEOR KN/170831/001854 292 PR/ Wellnest India Projects Private Valley of Winds Phase - 2 KN/170831/001855 Limited 319 PR/ P.Mohanmurthy SHRIRAM SUMMITT KN/170831/001857 1237 PR/ RAKER INFRASTRUCTURE LLP Srishti Anmol KN/170831/001858 321 PR/ Narya Constructions and NARYA 5 ELEMENTS KN/170831/001859 Developers 317 PR/ Punnami properties punnami bilss annex KN/170831/001861 293 PR/ M/s. MYSORE REALTY PRIVATE KN/170831/001863 LIMITED KHB & MRPL JOINT VENTURE KESARE - MYSURU 296 PR/ Advaitha ventures Pvt Ltd Advaitha Aksha KN/170831/001864 327 PR/ Shree Vigneshwara Developers Kadri Enclave KN/170831/001865 308 PR/ M/S TULASI INFRA PROJECTS TULASI PREMIER KN/170831/001867 60 PR/ COUNTRY CLUB HOSPITALITY & OSADIA GARDEN CITY KN/170831/001868 HOLIDAYS LTD 51 PR/ PRAMODAYA ENTERPRISES Vigneshwara Layout KN/170831/001872 36 PR/ MK BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS OCEANUS KN/170831/001877 159 PR/ DS MAX PROPERTIES PVT LTD DSMAX SKYCITY KN/170831/001878 343 PR/ ARATT ROLLING WHITES ARATT ROLLING WHITES - ROW VILLAS KN/170831/001879 332 PR/ SOWBAGYA DEVELOPERRS SAI SOWBAGYA KN/170831/001881 PRIVATE LIMITED 342 PR/ V R Holdings Private Limited Hill view Greens KN/170831/001884 340 PR/ SRINIVAS T VAJAMANGALA KN/170831/001886 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 349 PR/ LOTUS SAPPHIRE LOTUS SAPPHIRE KN/170831/001887 338 PR/ SHRAVANEE SHELTERS SHRAVANEE VISTA GARDENIA KN/170831/001888 346 PR/ PARVI SHELTERS PARVI SHELTERSS KN/170831/001890 39 PR/ S B URBANSCAPES SKANDA LAKE FRONT KN/170831/001895 329 PR/ SHAHROOQ SHAH ALI KHAN SHAHROOQ SHAH ALI KHAN PROJECT KN/170831/001897 350 PR/ symbiosis homes SYMBIOSIS ADITHYA KN/170831/001902 351 PR/ Nagina Nagina Na Khanum ARZ Enclave KN/170831/001903 364 PR/ JOHN CONSTRUCTIONS JOHN S HAVEN KN/170831/001907 ENGINEERS & DEVELOPERS 362 PR/ Vikram Structures Pvt Ltd VSPL Pinnacle KN/170831/001908 366 PR/ PRAMODAYA ENTERPRISES GURUPRIYA JANANI KN/170831/001909 356 PR/ Executive Engineer CHS II Phase Gokak KN/170831/001910 168 PR/ R R S BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS R EMERALD KN/170831/001911 300 PR/ Umiya Builders and Developers Umiya Velociti KN/170831/001912 359 PR/ PARVI SHELTERSS PARVI SHELTERSS KN/170831/001914 354 PR/ JENNIFER MENEZES DIVINE HOMES SAVERA KN/170831/001917 344 PR/ Shoban constructions and Silver Domicile KN/170831/001918 Developers 369 PR/ PEARL COMMUNITY ONE PALM VISTAS KN/170831/001919 DEVELOPERS PVT LTD 373 PR/ EE KHB Belgaum Benakanahalli KN/170831/001920 384 PR/ EE KHB HUBLI CHS Yeragatti KN/170831/001921 376 PR/ RF DEVELOPERS R F TWILIGHT KN/170831/001924 371 PR/ ARATTUKULAM DEVELOPERS LLP ARATT AMORA PARK VIEW KN/170831/001925 387 PR/ Shivanagouda S Naganagoudar CHANNABASAVA LAYOUT KN/170831/001926 383 PR/ SRI VINAYAKA INFRA S V Luxuria KN/170831/001927 379 PR/ DESAI -PATIL DEVELOPERS AND CYPRUS OAK KN/170831/001928 BUILDERS 392 PR/ PURPLE ESTATES & HOLDINGS PURPLE WOODS KN/170831/001929 PVT LTD. 395 PR/ KAMALAKSHA BANGERA SHREKA RESIDENCY KN/170831/001931 390 PR/ E P Mohan Babu MY NEST S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170831/001932 389 PR/ ARATTUKULAM DEVELOPERS LLP ARATT ATLANIS BREEZE KN/170831/001933 391 PR/ SRI VINAYAKA INFRA S V Springwoods KN/170831/001934 110 PR/ SALARPURIA REAL ESTATES salarpuria sattva park cubix KN/170901/001749 PRIVATE LIMITED 22 PR/ KLSR URBAN PROPERTIES PVT KLSR THUNGA ELITE KN/170901/001916 LTD 192 PR/ Nayak Constructions and ND Samruddhi KN/170901/001938 Developers 190 PR/ Adam Realty Partners Private SKY VILLA DUO KN/170901/001939 Limited 278 PR/ Aavani Promoters & Developers AAVANI LOTUS KN/170901/001941 186 PR/ Carbon Developers Pvt Ltd Nethaniah KN/170901/001943 182 PR/ JENNIFER MENEZES DIVINE HOMES FATIMA GARDEN KN/170901/001948 72 PR/ khain Properties AASHIYANA KN/170901/001949 64 PR/ ALPINE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ALPINE FIESTA ABDF KN/170901/001956 CORPORATION LIMITED 325 PR/ ALPINE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ALPINE FIESTA C E KN/170901/001969 CORPORATION LIMITED 347 PR/ ALPINE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ALPINE PYRAMID EFGH KN/170901/001975 CORPORATION LIMITED 66 PR/ Vijaykumar Raju Chinmayi homes KN/170902/001807 217 PR/ ADAM Realty Partners Pvt Ltd Sky Villa Grande KN/170902/001970 207 PR/ KNS Infrastructure Private Limited KNS OJAS, KENCHENPURA KN/170902/001972 1225 PR/ MASCOT CONSTRUCTIONS, DNR CASABLANCA KN/170902/001978 MICRO INFRASTRUCTURE, ANUSHKA INVESTMENTS 199 PR/ Venkanagouda Ranganagouda Satyashri (Shubham Apartment) KN/170904/001962 Govindagoudar 230 PR/ DAIWIK HOUSING PRIVATE DAIWIK SPARSH KN/170904/002001 LIMITED 245 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE DOLCE VITA KN/170905/002015 LIMITED 246 PR/ S B URBANSCAPES TEMPLETREE KN/170905/002016 242 PR/ PRESTIGE ESTATES PROJECTS PRESTIGE FONTAINE BLEAU KN/170905/002017 LIMITED 214 PR/ Vista Innovation VISTA INNOVATION KN/170906/002008 226 PR/ M/S ANUSHKA BUILDERS AND MAHALASA KN/170906/002011 DEVELOPERS 239 PR/ Vinod ML Kumar 8 Siddeshwar, String Estates KN/170906/002020 240 PR/ Bhargavi Builders And Developers Nandadeep S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/170906/002023 265 PR/ SUNLAND VENTURES PRIVATE Sunland Serene Hills -Phase III KN/170907/002039 LIMITED 267 PR/ SUNLAND VENTURES PRIVATE Sunland Serene Hills -Phase II KN/170907/002040 LIMITED 528 PR/ RED TREE ESTATES PRIVATE RED TREE RAIN DROPS KN/170908/002046 LIMITED 518 PR/ VIIJCON PROPERTIES VIVANSAA AURIGAA KN/170909/002053 1247 PR/ Navami Funique Navami Funique KN/170911/001532 520 PR/ KNS Infrastructure Private Limited KNS ANIRVAN PHASE III KN/170911/002056 569 PR/ MAHANTESH GURU KRUPA RESIDENCY KN/170914/002080 557 PR/ T. Narasimhulu Kumari Amaranthine KN/170916/002090 547 PR/ HAMAR NARAYAN RAJU KRISHNA ARYA ELEGANCE KN/170916/002103 542 PR/ S R Estates KHB BHAGYA NAGARA, BAGEPALLI KN/170919/002112 490 PR/ M G Associates Mahalaxmi Amman Arcade KN/170920/002072 440 PR/ SAI RAMINENI BUILDERS AMARACHANDRA ROYAL KN/170921/002120 437 PR/ Samarth Realty Developers Private Gajanana Sumuk KN/170921/002123 Limited 407 PR/ Exd Projects Private Limited Five Rings KN/170922/002143 404 PR/ Countryside E city LLP Raindance KN/170922/002145 399 PR/ Purushottam R Shetty Yamuna Mathias Heights KN/170922/002148 396 PR/ SHARADA ENTERPRISES SHARADA SERENDIPITY KN/170922/002150 162 PR/ B.M.Anand Rajsri KN/170925/001745 414 PR/ Tranquil Realty Private Limited Vaswani Augusta KN/170925/002141 249 PR/ Greenfnch Projects Private Limited Greenfnch Vallerian KN/170926/002009 412 PR/ Happy Valley Developers HAPPY VALLEY PEARL KN/170926/002142 470 PR/ Gangadhar.S.Shettar Sadhashiva Layout KN/170927/002166 493 PR/ M/S HORIZON GROUP OMKARA KN/170928/002070 450 PR/ KVN CONSTRUCTIONS KVN ENCLAVE KN/170928/002180 456 PR/ SNR Square Pvt Ltd SNR Verity KN/170930/002181 530 PR/ V. SHASHIPRAKASH SP Enclave KN/171004/002139 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 457 PR/ Gopal Cement Spun Pipe Works Manas Residency KN/171005/002176 713 PR/ CG PARIVAR CONSTRUCTIONS shree guruji enclave KN/171005/002195 468 PR/ Neeladri Properties Neeladri Kota Hills KN/171006/002173 710 PR/ Legend Properties Legend Opal KN/171006/002196 712 PR/ Godrej Home Constructions Private Godrej Eternity Phase-2 KN/171006/002197 Limited 721 PR/ Godrej Home Constructions Private Godrej Eternity Phase-3 KN/171006/002199 Limited 228 PR/ Srikanth J Bhat Apollo Lakeview Residency KN/171007/002022 727 PR/ ASR CONSTRUCTIONS ASR OCTAVE KN/171007/002203 692 PR/ CANOPY HOMES & HOLDINGS LLP SOUNDARYA PARADISE KN/171010/002211 703 PR/ Columbia Infra Holdings Columbia Belle a KN/171011/002221 753 PR/ Platinum Properties Princeville - Tower 3 (A Tower) KN/171012/002225 476 PR/ DATTAPRASAD BUILDER DATTA CRYSTAL KN/171013/002159 719 PR/ VIZIPA CONSTRUCTIONS PRIVATE VIZIPA OPTIMA KN/171013/002201 LIMITED 705 PR/ Basavaraj Ambali sai lake view KN/171013/002208 698 PR/ WHITESTONE PROJECTS FLORENSO KN/171013/002215 702 PR/ POONAM BUILDERS POONAM GARDEN KN/171013/002220 765 PR/ Atco Projects Pvt Ltd., ATCO SAPPHIRE KN/171016/002233 760 PR/ AXIS CONCEPT CONSTRUCTION Axis Antara KN/171017/002231 PVT LTD 730 PR/ Odion Builders & Developers The Woods Of East KN/171017/002241 734 PR/ Aashish Developer and Builders Ashish Green KN/171017/002243 508 PR/ Fortius Infradevelopers LLP Fortius Vivo KN/171018/002124 745 PR/ SHILPA ENTERPRISES SHILPA DACHA KN/171021/002251 737 PR/ harsha builders and developers shasan KN/171023/002245 732 PR/ ARIHANT INFRAREALTY PRIVATE ARIHANT ATRIA KN/171024/002242 LIMITED 618 PR/ Vista Mere Vista Kewgarth KN/171024/002255 685 PR/ G VENUGOPAL MAHALAKSHMI PROJECTS KN/171025/002253 613 PR/ SORAKE ESTATES SORAKE IRIS S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO KN/171025/002258 634 PR/ SVAMITVA INFRA PVT LTD SAKSHA VILLA KN/171025/002262 418 PR/ POORVI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Poorvi Srinivasa Grand KN/171026/002138 COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED 625 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha HRC Pristine Phase 4 Block 4 and 5 KN/171026/002267 590 PR/ EAST NORTH VVS REALTY NASH VILLE KN/171026/002274 631 PR/ Upkar Estates & Properties Upkar Gardens KN/171027/002263 627 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha - HRC Pristine Phase 3 Block 3 KN/171027/002268 623 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha HRC Pristine Phase 2 Block 2 KN/171027/002270 620 PR/ EZZY WHITEFIELD AVENUE KN/171027/002273 586 PR/ Sobha Limited Sobha HRC Pristine Phase 1 Block 1 KN/171027/002276 583 PR/ Elite Estates Elite Sai Gardens Phase 4 KN/171027/002279 577 PR/ UNITED BUILDERS UNITED MEADOWS KN/171027/002280 604 PR/ N.D Ventures MAGNOLIA KN/171027/002283 68 PR/ SRIMANTH NAVALDI PLOTS KN/171028/001848 601 PR/ Srimanth Navaldi NAVALDI LAYOUTS KN/171028/002287 603 PR/ Srimanth Navaldi NAVALDI LAYOUTS2 KN/171028/002288 736 PR/ Sycon Homes LLP Sycon Toica KN/171030/002244 580 PR/ Vivek Menon Tuscany KN/171030/002284 609 PR/ M MOHAN REDDY MANYA MAGNAVILLE KN/171031/002286 668 PR/ SHARANAGOUDA NAVALDI LAYOUT PHASE1 KN/171031/002297 659 PR/ Mangal Reality Gita Nagar KN/171031/002299 679 PR/ SHARANAGOUDA NAVALDI LAYOUT PHASE2 KN/171031/002300 674 PR/ Mangal Reality Gita Nagar, Phase-II KN/171031/002308 672 PR/ SHARANAGOUDA NAVALDI LAYOUT PHASE 3 KN/171031/002309 678 PR/ SHILPA ENTERPRISES SHILPA LAKSH KN/171031/002311 647 PR/ M/s.GM Infnite Dwelling (India) GM INFINITE SILVER SPRING FIELD KN/171031/002318 Private Limited 636 PR/ MOHAMMED. SIRAJUDDIN PATEL RAJMAHAL LAYOUT KN/171031/002319 S.No REGISTRATION PROMOTER PROJECT NO 650 PR/ M/s. Sadhguru Developers GK Residency KN/171103/002330 655 PR/ WHITESTONE PROJECTS WHITESTONE ROSARIO KN/171104/002326 762 PR/ Rohan Procon LLP Rohan Iksha Block B KN/171107/002237 607 PR/ Sri. V. RANGANATH Deccan Habitat KN/171107/002313 887 PR/ NEELANCHAL LANDHOLDINGS KNS OJAS, SULIKERE KN/171108/002349 LLP 890 PR/ KNS Infrastructure Private Limited Kurubarapalya - 2 KN/171108/002350 924 PR/ Adarsh Developers Palm Meadows Annexe KN/171109/002357 920 PR/ Akarsh Residence Pvt Ltd Adarsh Mayberry-Phase 1 KN/171110/002367 462 PR/ ARYAN HOMETEC PVT LTD ARYAN GOLDEN ARENA - K KN/171110/002372 912 PR/ ARYAN HOMETEC PVT LTD ARYAN GOLDEN ARENA - G KN/171110/002379 910 PR/ ARYAN HOMETEC PVT LTD ARYAN GOLDEN ARENA - D KN/171110/002381 896 PR/ M/s. Vishal Infra Built Ltd. SkyCity Homes KN/171113/002365 882 PR/ EVERSHINE DWELLINGS PVT LTD Evershine Greenwood KN/171116/002409 881 PR/ Hanumant Chidambar Kulkarni Varad Vinayak KN/171117/002410 662 PR/ Bhoomi Groups Bhoomi s Samskruthi KN/171122/002432 819 PR/ Manasum Buildtech LLP MANASUM AVIGHNA KN/171124/002451 852 PR/ Casa Grande Garden City Builders Casagrand Royce KN/171127/002464 Pvt Ltd 653 PR/ ARSIS DEVELOPERS PVT LTD arsis green hills KN/171128/002413 807 PR/ Landcapital Estates Pvt Ltd Land Capital Primero KN/171207/002506 781 PR/ Prestige Estates Projects Limited Prestige MSR Heights KN/171213/002490 1016 PR/ Sowparnika Projects and Sowparnika Flamenco KN/171213/002528 Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.

BBMP-Planning to regularise(convert) B Katha to A Katha

The BBMP has sent a proposal to the State Government of Karnataka to regularise (convert) B katha properties (vacant properties-without an...