Friday, January 2, 2015


Betterment charges –
Flat owners must pay betterment charges - BBMP
The BBMP Commissioner has issued a circular making owners of individual flats liable for any due in betterment charges, and has absolved builders of liability if they have sold all the flats.
BBMP Commissioner M Lakshminarayan in the circular has said: “In certain cases, owners of properties have paid improvement charges in part. They have submitted an undertaking that they will pay the improvement charges as prescribed by the BBMP at the time of khatha registration. But on verification, in most of the cases, the improvement charges are still due.”
He further goes onto to say: “It is learnt that the owner of such properties are developers, who have constructed buildings, whether it is commercial, residential or apartments; and have sold the individual properties to the public. In such cases, the purchasers of such properties are liable to pay the improvement charges.”


vswaminathan said...

Basically, and fundamentally, by any logic , or sane rhyme or reason, it is the promoter/builder/developer, who admittedly, is the 'owner'; and as such,as common sense should dictate, he is the one, he alone, -who is responsible to pay up and bear all such charges related to 'development' of the property. Purchasers come on the scene only after the property has been so developed,completed in all respects in terms of the official sanction, so as to be sold as one in which the seller does have a 'marketable title' as warranted by the law. on that premise, in one's longstanding standing conviction,it could be forcefully urged,the question of purchasers being saddled with any such liability, much less being asked to cough up, by any dubious way e.g. under coercion, is a non-starter.
Over to law pundits,for competent advice to the buyers, be it individually or as a community.

ECO PACK said...

Dear Sir,
Yes. The buyers of these types of properties are indirectly compelled or otherwise coerced to pay up this charge. The affidavit is filed by the builder promising the state that as and when the charge is payable, will undertake to pay it, but as soon as he sells it, the liability will not be transferred to the purchaser. The purchaser on the other hand must take appropriate steps and compel the builder to pay it. The purchasers as a group or an individual must take appropriate legal action against such devlism, but none care or bother to do it.
EP Team

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